On this, the 238th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence I post a section from Chapter Ten of America on the Cusp of God’s Grace in which the case is made for only the Bible being allowed to be the Book of Authority for the Constitutional Republic of the United States. The Meacham Report to Congress of March 27, 1854 contained the following language: and, depend upon it, that where there is a spirit of Christianity, there is a spirit which rises above form, above ceremonies, independent of sect or creed and the controversies of clashing doctrines.” In closing out the debate prior to the adoption of the resolution, Meacham concluded: “It must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure rests. Laws will not have permanence or power without the sanction of religious sentiment – without a firm belief that there is a Power above us that will reward our virtues and punish our vices.”

United States Congress (May 1854) in the Thirty-Fourth Congress Assembled, Nathaniel P. Banks of Massachusetts being Speaker of the House, it is hereby Resolved:

Whereas, The people of these United States, from their earliest history to the present time, have been led by the hand of a kind Providence, and are indebted for the countless blessings of the past and present, and dependent for continued prosperity in the future upon Almighty God; and whereas the great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it eminently becomes the representatives of a people so highly favored to acknowledge in the most public manner their reverence for God.

Cross of Blessing and Glory taken in Arizona soon after 9/11...

Cross of Blessing and Glory taken in Arizona soon after 9/11…

Why the Bible must be the only book of authority in America. Our citizens have forgotten their history. America is not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic. The Declaration of Independence was our chief governing document and we mark the birth of our country from the day of its signing. The Constitution was added, “In order to form a more perfect Union.” In the Declaration of Independence, our founders clearly stated their beliefs. God gives rights to man and the government’s role is to protect those God given rights. Those rights are enumerated in the “laws of nature and nature’s God.” According to Book One, Section Two of Blackstone’s Commentaries on Law (which was THE AUTHORITY on English Law for several hundred years and where this phrase comes from) the “laws of nature and nature’s God” mean the laws of God for his creation as is revealed in the Holy Scriptures (the Bible).

George Washington being sworn in at the age of 57...

George Washington being sworn in at the age of 57 in New York City

In our representative government, officials aren’t necessarily elected to do their own will or the will of their constituents – they first swear to uphold the Constitution. It is for that reason that President George Washington first chose to take his oath of office with his hand resting on the Holy Bible – and that is still the custom to this day.

The French Statesman, Alexis de Tocqueville (previously referenced and recognized), came to America in the 1830’s, trying to learn why America’s government worked and France’s did not. One unique observation was this: “The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.”

The following quotation clearly establishes the foundation of our country and the intent of the First Amendment. As we have just seen above from the Meacham report:

James Meacham..

James Meacham..

Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect (denomination). Any attempt to level and discard all religion would have been viewed with universal indignation. The object was not to substitute Judaism or Mohammedanism (Islam), or infidelity (atheism), but to prevent rivalry among sects (denominations) to the exclusion of others … In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity: that, in its general principles, is the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions. That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”

John Jay, First Supreme Court Justice...

John Jay, First Supreme Court Justice…

Have hypocrites stood and placed their hands on the Bible taking their oath of office? Absolutely, but that is our fault. John Jay, the first US Supreme Court Chief Justice appointed by Washington said, “It is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” We are to blame for whom we elect to send to Washington to represent us.

The teachings of the Qur’an versus the Biblical foundation of America are at polar opposites. By allowing anyone to be sworn-in on the Qur’an further deteriorates our foundation as a Free Republic and takes us one step closer towards the stated goal of Islam – bringing the ENTIRE world under Sharia (Islamic) Law.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE – And May God Continue To Bless This Precious Constitutional Republic as we fight in earnest for the repeal of the genocidal Roe v Wade and the preservation of marriage as God intended it. Every life is precious in God’s eyes, yet it is equally evident that every abomination is bound for judgment in His appointed hour. The hour of repentance is now upon us America – REPENT AMERICA – REPENT!

Young patriot ...

Young patriot …

“Our father’s God, to thee, Author of liberty, to Thee we sing!
Long may our land be bright with Freedom’s Holy light;
protect us by Thy might,  great God, our King!”

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Sole` Deo Gloria!


Content Copyright (C) 2010 by Dennis G Hurst/America on the Cusp of God’s Grace