Beyond the Cosmos, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Freedom, Genealogy, God, I Have A Dream, Jesus Christ, Lessons, Liberty, Life, Nancy Reagan, Posterity, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Wisdom
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We are so much “one” that you are as vital to me as my own heart…
The door has closed forever, said a friend, on a particular part of the past. Or to be more precise, first-person access to the Reagan era through one of its two most important figures has now, with the death of Nancy Reagan, ended. The era itself will never end — it is part of the history of our nation and yielded up its last unambiguously successful president. The spirit of that age: exuberant, expansive. “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” ~ Peggy Noonan
Would that I find a love like Ronnie found in his Nancy. Godspeed, Mrs. Reagan. You were truly unique, and one of the very best. I miss the both of you, now.
~ Jim: Sunk New Dawn, Galveston, TX
Very classy couple. God bless, NR.
~ Casey Klahn
We’d talk about nothing, everything. She had a big laugh, a soft chuckle and a gift for listening. She really heard you, picked up nuance, noted what was unsaid. She took a great and protective interest in the lives of her friends and family, noticed when things seemed off, didn’t avoid troublesome areas but brought them up. That was part of how she showed her care, “bringing it up.” ~ Peggy Noonan
In documentaries about President Reagan, it is fairly common for interviewees reminiscing about him to get teary-eyed. He made that much of an impression. Nancy was as tough as nails, and in Reagan’s later years she defended his legacy like a bulldog. You know damn well that there were hungry vultures eager to get something unflattering from his decline from Alzheimer’s. They never did.
~ Clinton Nichols
No one is the same size as history, no one’s that big. For a half-century history washed over her, and I think when it was over she looked back, or saw the pictures on the bedside — “There we were, dancing at the state dinner” — and thought of those days, “My God. A king was on line one. Ronnie was meeting with the Soviet premier down the hall. … That all happened. It couldn’t have happened, it is too big. But it happened.” I think she was, as she looked back, awed by her own life. And of course she had reason to be awed. ~ Peggy Noonan
I have been blessed with such a wife and such a marriage. Sixteen years without a cross word between us. Only God can say why I deserved it.
If only….
~ Rob DeWitt
–with one exception; you could never be replaced with a transplant.”
“I don’t know if it is dreams or what. It sounds funny or crazy, sometimes I wake up at night and he’s in bed next to me and I see him.” Once, she said, she woke in the middle of the night and looked over at the big beige stuffed chair at the bottom of the bed to the left. “You look cold,” she said to him, and went to the closet for a blanket. She draped it over him and went back to bed. The next morning she awoke and looked over at the chair. The blanket, she said, was still there, but moved to the side as if someone had pushed it when he left. ~ Peggy Noonan
We are so much “one” that you are as vital to me as my own heart—with one exception; you could never be replaced with a transplant. Whatever I treasure and enjoy—this home, our ranch, the sight of the sea—all would be without meaning if I didn’t have you. I live in a permanent Christmas because God gave me you.
Merry Christmas Darling. I love you with all my heart – Your Husband.
I was very much against Reagan in the 80’s because of his support of Central American dictators. I thought Nancy was a joke, a phony Hollywood debutant. Now, I’ve undergone a political change and I realize that I missed a truly great American president. Now I see her as a classy lady. My bad, my loss.
~ Steve Swinney
In the house on St. Cloud Road you could feel Ronald Reagan all around you. The knickknacks, the pictures, the big Norman Rockwell portrait as you came in — it was a house about him. His office still had his desk and his things on it. She wanted it that way. The love affair that became the great marriage that became the great partnership was never far from her thoughts. She missed him till the day she died. ~ Peggy Noonan
Taps, and tears as snow.
~ Howard Nelson
R.I.P. Nancy and Ronnie, together at last…
Kudos to Peggy Noonan: Farewell to Nancy Reagan, a Friend and Patriot
Brett Baier with Ed Rollins, Judith Miller, Howard Kurtz and Remembering Nancy Reagan
More pics and Valentine’s Day Advice
From Nancy’s book: I Love you Ronnie – The Letters of Ronald Reagan
H/T Gerard Vanderleun and his wonderful AmericanDigest
Soli Deo Gloria!