Facing Up To America’s REAL Problem…

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” ~ John Adams, Address to the Military, 1798

Anyone looking at the political landscape in 1776, 1860, 1913, 1940, and 1962, would have justifiably concluded that we are in desperate straits today. The reason being of course, that Freedom is fragile, is never “free”, and has always been thus. But why?

Well, by the end of the watershed year of 1962, Americans had allowed a handful of unelected black-robed executioners draped in vampire robes (euphemistically-described as the Supreme Court of the United States) to toss out America’s Judeo-Christian teachings and morals, to laughably claim that it was somehow “unconstitutional” for schools to use the Bible and prayer in their curricula, or to post the Ten Commandments inside their hallways.

Black-robed Executioners...

Unelected Black-robed Executioners…

This mind you, came at a time when every school and college in America had been using the Bible and Biblically-based lesson books for some 180 years, making it patently obvious to any sane-thinking person that it was impossible for such usage to be termed “unconstitutional”, given that all the men who debated and enacted the Constitution had attended schools and colleges which used the Bible, and moreover, had been uninterruptedly doing so since the ratification of the Constitution in 1789.

The Constitutional Republic of the United States has long since morphed into an oligarchy. Congress doesn’t represent We The People any more, and once elected, most members believe it should be a lifetime job and seemingly spend most of their time ensuring it be so. Even the POTUS has been allowed to morph into its own imperial presidency, where anyone with “a pen and a phone” can rule empirically by the issuance of one Executive Order after another, completely by-passing Congress and bringing the Republic to its creaking knees of subservience.

Unless and until mainstream America treasures God’s gifts of freedom and self-reliance and strives to return our form of government to the limited framework created by the Founders, until decency and respect are the common coin of our culture, and until the so-called Puritan ethic of working for one’s family is the standard by which we measure the mettle of a man, there will be no hope to salvage the republic.

Supreme Court sinks away from the Biblical tenets on its facade...

Supreme Court sinks away from the Biblical tenets on its facade…

Putting our faith in man is folly, as Jew and Gentile know. It is up to each individual to know and do the will of God. When enough do this, our culture, our economy, and our government yield the freest and most prosperous land in the history of the human race. When too few do this, we slink off into the dustbin of history with all the failed cultures that have preceded ours. “Indeed”, one might sagely declare while nodding the head in agreement, “indeed, indeed”.

Fast forward to today’s 2016, and America is so rapidly in decline that Edward Gibbons probably couldn’t keyboard fast enough to keep up with it. The vast majority of millennial under-30s are admittedly, proudly Godless, while the same “old white European males” who created both Federalism and the Constitution are well on their way to becoming a racial minority, with American schools and colleges enthusiastically teaching hatred of their skin color, their history, their ideas, and their achievements. Is it any wonder the Bible warns “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” ~ Galatians 6:7

Homosexual Marriage Supremes...

Homosexual Marriage Supremes…

Not even one of many hundreds of quotes from various American founders, stressing the importance of Judeo-Christian teachings and law, are ever printed in public school textbooks today. Not one. None of the Founders could have ever envisioned a total government takeover of schools, of the Bible and prayer and the Ten Commandments and all other Biblical lessons being declared “unconstitutional.” As mentioned above in the opening of this piece, John Adams, who was a delegate at the Constitutional convention and indeed present every step of the way during the creation of the United States, warned about the danger of the nation drifting away from the full intent of the Constitution. Understand that HE MEANT EVERY WORD OF THAT, as did the more than 200 other men considered Founders, who themselves both spoke and wrote of the necessity for Christianity and Federalism to remain joined at the hip, however loosely.

Nonetheless, those cowardly Americans of 1962 allowed the aforementioned unelected black-robed executioners draped in vampire robes to strip them of their moral foundations and heritage unchallenged. Within five years (ie by 1967) the country had exploded into full-blown Godless rebellion, leading to the “hippie” generation and Time magazine proclaiming IS GOD DEAD and the Beatles’ bragging that “We’re more popular than Jesus!”

Is God Dead? The audacity of it all...

Is God Dead? The audacity of it all…

But how can those who deny what YHVH God says, expect that He will ignore their disobedience and restore America to its former greatness without reproach? After all, Satan still questions men to stir up doubt: “Yea, hath God said?” [Genesis 3:1] Yes, He did indeed say it: “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” [Exodus 20:11].

Evolution is Satan’s fairytale and thus mankind’s distinction in prospering throughout recorded history has always been a question of how he treats his Creator and vice-versa; either by recognition of God’s largesse towards his creation and thanking him for it through his “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man” [James 5:16]; or his succumbing to the ever-present wiles of the devil and walking “wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction.” [Matthew 7:13-14]


In this day and age of overly-charged political correctness and cultural decline, it behooves us all to remember two distinct periods of history lost:

1) The Great Flood that utterly destroyed a wicked generation save the eight souls of Noah’s family; and

2) The equally utter destruction of the entire population of Sodom and Gomorrah save the four souls of Lot’s family (one of whom became a pillar of salt) as judgment on their lascivious behavior and abandonment of Godly living.

Sadly for the vast majority of people in this generation, these self-evident truths from God’s history of dealing with mankind, are simply too far-fetched to be believed, as they themselves continue to stumble blindly into an uncertain future.

On a bright and hopeful note however, here’s one Patriot in addition to yours truly who is more than willing to replenish Jefferson’s Tree of Liberty, and that would be my Pastor Kendall Bridges from FreedomLife Church in Carrollton, Texas. From the far horizons of the great Lancashire Plain in northwest England, to the rugged Plains that make up the heart of Texas, the bells of freedom ring loud and clear…

Further reading, The American Dream a Nightmare

And Selwyn Duke: Death of America

The Classic: 45 Communist Goals To Take Over America


Face of Jesus by Richard Hook

Soli Deo Gloria!