An irrelevant God is a true danger..
25 Sunday Apr 2021
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Beyond the Cosmos, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Conservative Treehouse, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Freedom, Genealogy, God, Jesus Christ, Let Freedom Ring, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Texas, The Federalist, United States, Washington, Wisdom
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And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. ~ Genesis 1: 26
Tom McCallister, American Thinker: Our nation was founded upon principles recognizing God as Creator and Supreme Judge of the world. Our Constitution recognizes Jesus Christ as our Lord. Our nation has an official worldview that aligns with the psalmist who wrote “blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” The inspired beauty of our First Amendment is that the American people do not need to hold this official national viewpoint but are free to believe whatever they choose without the fear of government oppression, incarceration, and re-education camps. (Well, at least not yet). Our Founders also professed faith in God as Divine Providence. Has God given up on America?
Yours truly: The question more to the point would be “has America given up on God – especially from the demoMarxocrat side?” Two inescapable facts about them: first they themselves are racists because everything to them is judged by race, color of skin, language, etc., etc.. They’re fanatics and simply cannot remain silent about it. Secondly, beyond race, they’re obsessed with power – ultimate and demonic power. And they think that they’re sane and entitled to do whatever they like, whenever they choose. An irrelevant God is a true danger. The truth be damned!
Tom McCallister: As we approach the hundredth day of the Biden “presidency,” any logical, patriotic American has to wonder what more would someone do if they were trying to systematically destroy every ideal and virtue our nation has stood for in its history. From porous borders to suppressed citizen freedoms, unbridled spending yet throttled economic growth, inciting divisiveness while promoting untethered morality, our enemies must imagine themselves in an Old Milwaukee commercial, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” The list of grievances and offenses are staggering and too numerous to mention and if one does, they are censored or banned by the government’s confederate oligarchs of Big Tech.
Yours truly: Throughout history the charge of “white supremacy” has had many echoes within which groups succeeding above others were envied, resented, and hated to the point where, rather than emulate what made them successful, sought to bring them down and destroy them at the urging of those lusting for power. It’s what gave us the Holocaust, the very same that the Left now appeals to in its insatiable will to exacerbate their power over us all. White Europeans built the greatest Western Civilization in human history, which is why they’re the natural target today.
Tom McCallister: Judging by our moral condition, we have little to argue in our defense. The slaughter of 55 million unborn is more than sufficient to condemn us and our depravity and insolence to God goes much deeper. However, God is not dead despite our culture’s increasing trend to shun Him. If conservatism is grounded upon the Divine, then conservatism is not dead either. Even if it was, then we have a God who can raise it back up. If conservatism is truly anchored upon God, then it’s time to turn to Him in prayer, repent and like true patriots, act. The situation is dire and the enemy is strong. The Deep State is a foreboding, modern-day Goliath.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. ~ Genesis 1: 27-28
Yours truly: Racial guilt is collective guilt. Like the Nazis and the socialists and communists, Judaism and Christianity also believe in collective, unearned, guilt too, going by the name of “Original Sin”. Karl Marx borrowed and stole ideas from Judeo-Christianity, two of which would be “historical determinism” and “collective guilt”. Replacing the worship of Almighty God with the worship of Almighty Society as embodied in the Almighty State, would definitely be a candidate for a third.
Tom McCallister: It is in that spirit of pursuing truth that all eyes, as well as thoughts, prayers, and support should be focused on the brave group of individuals and legislators who have taken action to conduct a forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona. This will be the first application of the paddles to try to shock our nation’s heart back to life. Those who do not act in the best interest of our nation are apoplectic over this. The smell of fear on their side is palpable. Truth is a sword forged with a metal no falsehood can withstand. What is there to hide? The pursuit of truth is never wrong.
Yours truly: What then about Communism? Isn’t it a logical, scientific, atheistic philosophy, and yet doesn’t it lead straight to totalitarianism? The Communists reject Aristotelian logic and Western science in favor of a “dialectic” process; reality, they claim, is a stream of contradictions which is beyond the power of “bourgeois” reason to understand. They deny the very existence of man’s mind, claiming that human words and actions reflect nothing but the alogical predetermined churnings of blind matter. Communism is not a new, rational philosophy; it is a tired, slavishly imitative heir of religion.
Tom McCallister: Many suspect that corruption has metastasized throughout our institutions and agencies and fatally so. That is dire, but we have the cure as described above. As Ronald Reagan noted, “If we forget that we are a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under.” We are at that moment of remembrance and our Republic’s life hangs in the balance. Has God given up on the U.S.? Never. Have we given up on God? If so, then conservatism as well as America is dead. If not, then it’s time to humble our hearts, put God first, and get to work. We need to gather five truth stones; we’ve got a Goliath to kill.
Yours truly: They keep poking the white race in the eye to provoke a civil war. We the (80 million+) People say, bring it on, it’s about time to rid the nation of these radical demoMarxocrat leftists once and for all. An irrelevant God is a true danger…
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. ~ Genesis 1: 31
Link references: Although YouTube is up to its usual nonsense, Conservative Treehouse below has a 9-Camera cluster in 24/7 operation…
Tom McCallister, American Thinker: Not Dead Yet
Kylee Zempel, The Federalist: Race-Baiters Incited More than Trump ever did
Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: Maricopa County, Arizona Audit is Underway
Soli Deo Gloria!