Army of perverts allowed to takeover schools
03 Sunday Apr 2022
Written by dennisghurst in Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
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Army of perverts allowed to takeover schools….
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. ~ Jeremiah 29: 11-12
Olivia Murray, American Thinker: On April 10, 1899, while serving as the governor of New York, Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech titled “The Strenuous Life” (linked down below) in which he correctly identified and spoke on an objective truth.
To pander to depravity inevitably means to increase the depravity. It is a dreadful thing that public sentiment should condone misconduct in a public man; but this is no excuse for the public man, if by his conduct he still further degrades public sentiment. There can be no meddling with the laws of righteousness, of decency, of morality.
Now, in 2022, American culture is so depraved that it echoes Sodom and Gomorrah. Our culture and society have pandered to the once sequestered faction of sexual deviants, and in doing so, the deviancy has skyrocketed.
DGH: All men in whose character there is not an element of hardened baseness must admit the need in our public life of those qualities which we somewhat vaguely group together when we speak of “reform,” and all men of sound mind must also admit the need of efficiency. There are, of course, men of such low moral type, or of such ingrained cynicism, that they do not believe in the possibility of making anything better, or do not care to see things better. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Olivia Murray: The Anti-Grooming Law out of Florida, erroneously named “Don’t Say Gay,” (linked down below) made obvious the alarming number of adult perverts in the school system. What is so conspicuously a parent’s rights initiative to protect young children from exposure to pornographic material is facing hysterical opposition. It’s safe to say efforts by teachers and school staff to expose kindergarteners to sexual material are pedophilic. From the bill:
Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. While a mob of degenerates took over the schools, where were conservatives?

Army of perverts allowed to takeover schools.
DGH: Our standard of public and private conduct will never be raised to the proper level until we make the scoundrel who succeeds feel the weight of a hostile public opinion even more strongly than the scoundrel who fails. On the other hand, mere beating the air, mere visionary adherence to a nebulous and possibly highly undesirable ideal, is utterly worthless. Now and then one can stand uncompromisingly for a naked principle and force people up to it. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Olivia Murray: Pushing pornographic sex “education” has been going on for decades. Judith Reisman, Ph.D., the director of the Child Protection Institute at the Liberty University School of Law, said programs to sexually corrupt children were introduced in schools in 1958. Under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, schools in the inner cities brought in sex “education.” Per Reisman (linked below):
They started sex education with cartoons for children. The black parents were furious and upset that they were showing obscene materials, as well as animals copulating, to little kids. … They were worried about their children being sexualized and having problems, but it continued from there. Sound familiar?
DGH: These two attitudes, the attitude of deifying mere efficiency, mere success, without regard to the moral qualities lying behind it, and the attitude of disregarding efficiency, disregarding practical results, are the Scylla and Charybdis between which every earnest reformer, every politician who desires to make the name of his profession a term of honor instead of shame, must steer. He must avoid both under penalty of wreckage, and it avails him nothing to have avoided one, if he founders on the other. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Olivia Murray: For whatever reason, whether it be that conservatives as a whole are too uninterested in child sexual abuse, or whether they are too cowardly for fear of the word “bigot,” they are to blame for the rampant debauchery that has been unleashed upon our children. We have pandered to the sick depravity of pedophiles like Alfred Kinsey, and where has it gotten us? Army of perverts allowed to takeover schools. [end]
DGH: The man who is constitutionally incapable of working for practical results ought not to need a much longer shrift. In every community there are little knots of fantastic extremists who loudly proclaim that they are striving for righteousness, and who, in reality, do their feeble best for unrighteousness. These little knots of extremists are found everywhere, one type flourishing chiefly in one locality and another type in another. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. ~ Jeremiah 29: 13-14
- Olivia Murray, American Thinker: Absent-minded conservatives allowed army of perverts to overtake schools
- See also, Todd Gregory/Erik Gregory, American Thinker: The Democrats have a pedo problem
- Connections: Theodore Roosevelt: “The Strenuous Life.” : The Anti-Grooming Law out of Florida erroneously named “Don’t Say Gay.” From the bill : Per Reisman:
Soli Deo Gloria!