Be strong in the Lord and all that is therein
28 Sunday Aug 2022
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Freedom, Genealogy, God, Jesus Christ, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Texas, United States, Washington, Wisdom
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Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
M.B.Mathews, American Thinker: My friends have been telling me to stop worrying, that God is in control. I know that, but I cannot help but worry and wonder what to do if Democrats win in 2024. Or even this November, despite signs that things are turning around for the better. Democrats love taxes and have said that if they win, taxes on businesses and individuals will skyrocket. They promised it and they are delivering. Deluded, vindictive people in Congress voted to deliberately raise your taxes while saying they are not doing so. Democrats want your gas-powered cars.
They deliberately inflated gas prices by cutting supplies, putting into action their forcing behaviors agenda: They want you in electric cars and will wait you out until you submit. They will destroy private health care and dump all of us (except themselves) into government-run health care. Do they ever reflect that the government has never done anything well? The border is a sieve as Democrats try to inflate Democrat voters by sucking in illegals. That is backfiring because many illegals are Christians. Boom.
DGH: The greatest President in memory replaced by a dundering old fool through a stolen election. This must have taken months if not years to pull off. We’re not even allowed to speak of this without being ridiculed as an election denier. The good Lord knows this. The enemy knows this. The Lord guided this nation from the beginning and He will not stand by and watch the enemy who is already defeated, destroy this great nation! Be strong in the Lord and all that is therein.
M.B.Mathews: They will confiscate firearms the first chance they get, despite protestations to the contrary. Socialists don’t believe in private property. They want yours because the government should own it all. Leftists will insert enclaves of the homeless, the drug-addled, and the violent into every suburb where people have moved to get away from blue cities. At some point, they will forbid churches and synagogues to proselytize, but never mosques. They will obliterate the notion of hiring the best qualified for the job and instead will demand that only minorities be hired. That hatred of merit-based hiring is well on its way to being fulfilled.
Some Christians believe we should “Let go and let God.” I find that crushingly cringe-worthy. It says, “You don’t have to do anything.” Committed Christians know that sloth and inaction are deadly; we are called to work against evil, and to do whatever we can, however insignificant, to fight the dark forces that stalk this nation. I must do likewise or someday I will have to explain why I didn’t. God is certainly in control, but He has tasked us to fight for what is right, as Jesus did. But some people honestly believe that nothing will affect them, because, “God is in control.” God was in control during the Holocaust, too.
DGH: Unfortunately few Republicans understand politics is not like two teams in competition, but humans separating into two totally disparate groups to advance good (God) or evil (devil). God allows Lucifer to exist and we humans to have free will, which undoubtedly brings massive hurting and waste into the world. The only way to address that is to educate people enough so more will choose to be on the good team and not the bad.
M.B.Mathews: God gave us a mind. He gave each of us a mission, however limited, because we are in a battle for America’s soul: As America goes, so goes the world. The enemy is smart, cunning, and strong. Prayer is not enough. When Jesus went to the Cross, he prayed at Gethsemane. But then He acted, doing His Father’s will. Action is necessary. Something. Anything. Write or call representatives, be a poll watcher, talk to those who are not like-minded, if you can get them to listen. Never, ever, say you refuse to vote because you’re unhappy with the imperfections in our candidates. Those imperfections plague you as well.
Every person who sits out an election out of sheer pique may as well cast a vote for the opposition. Turning this ship around requires small degrees of turning and each vote is one degree, whether we like the candidates or not. I know that my smart, outstanding Christian friends mean well when they try to calm me down, but seriously, “Be anxious for nothing” (Philippians 4:6) is not a strategy. Our faith is not invalidated by our anxiety. God knows that we worry. While He is telling us that He is controlling things, He never said to do nothing because of it. (See Dietrich Bonhoeffer link below). You are one person, but in many cases in history, one person changed the world.
DGH: Just keep reminding yourselves that God uses famine, pestilence, wicked rulers and natural disasters to judge idolatry; sexual perversion; deceit; murder; theft; covetousness; witchcraft and drugs, to name just a sample of the sins of our nation. Unless we repent (turn back) from our wicked, wicked ways, more is yet in store for us. Our space of Grace may well be already gone. Be strong in the Lord and all that is therein.
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not afraid of them: remember the LORD, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses. ~ Nehemiah 4: 14
- M.B.Mathews, American Thinker: God is in control but we must act
- See also Dietrich Boenhoeffer: German theologian and resister
Soli Deo Gloria!