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For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. ~ II Timothy 4: 6-8
As Franklin Graham put it talking about his father: “We gathered in a 28,000-square-foot tent, reminiscent of the huge tent known as the Canvas Cathedral used for my father’s historic 1949 Los Angeles Crusade”.
To sew the various pieces together for this final farewell, I’ve shamelessly lifted comments from the various threads, trusting that this PART ONE will become one of your family heirlooms – of the time when American greatness was founded totally on our obedience to God’s will and presence.
Pray for the next upcoming preacher-man to stir another Revival in these United States to ensure that this one wasn’t ‘final’ in any sense.
In the meantime, from the comments thread:
From ‘rebcalntx’: Thank you for posting the video. I didn’t know I would end up watching & got teary eyed. Touched by God through Billy Graham many years ago 1978. I even had my letter posted in their monthly Decision magazine. No depth nor height nor any created thing shall be able to separate you from the love of Christ which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
From ‘Binkser1’: I can just see Reverend Graham wondering why people are making such a big fuss about him but he definitely deserves all of this. He was such a humble man. I can’t imagine how many crowns he has in Heaven right now. Thank you Reverend Graham for standing strong for the Lord, no matter the circumstance.
From ‘southernblondesite’: Thank you for your beautiful recounting of a community recognizing and honoring the life and impact of such a great man, Reverend Billy Graham. I’m from North Carolina and though I no longer live there I miss “God’s Country” every day. Bless all of you in Hickory North Carolina and bless Reverend Graham. He will be sorely missed.
From ‘LittleAnnie’sFanny’: The tributes by his daughters and Ned were wonderful and showed who the man was. Ruth’s story brought me to tears and as Anne spoke, I could hear and see her father in her.
Sarah Palin: It was an honor to be there. Rev. Graham was one in a billion; we love and appreciate all the Graham family.
From ‘Pam’: This was such a beautiful and moving service. I found myself having to grab the Kleenex several times. Billy Graham touched so many lives in his time here on this earth. It was very obvious that after he lost his wife Ruth that he was ready to go and be with her. I saw the press conference from last Wednesday night a week ago tonight. I was very thankful to know that he didn’t suffer in his final hours. I know we shouldn’t put people on pedestals, but if anyone deserves “well done thou good and faithful servant”, it’s Billy Graham. His son Franklin has done a tremendous job over the years carrying on his father’s legacy with Samaritan’s Purse. I’m sure his father and mother are very proud of him.
From ‘ediegrey’: His sermons are as relevant today as they were 50 years ago. Youtube is full of them. America could use a revival today. America’s preacher certainly had a gift – and his family is beautiful indeed.
Franklin Graham: Many people have asked me about my father’s casket. In this short video, my son Roy shares the story and we have footage of the casket being handmade by a convicted murderer named “Grasshopper” at Angola Prison in Louisiana.
From ‘maiingankwe’: It was a nice story, and it’s true, convicts need forgiveness too. I like how the carpenter said in so many words that he makes each and every coffin as if it was his own. That touched my heart. It tells me a lot of love, pride and prayers go into making each one just as it should be. Thank you for sharing, I would’ve never have known otherwise.
From ‘PatriotKate’: I have a customer who teaches entrepreneurship to convicts at a minimum security prison a couple mornings a week – which he absolutely loves doing. He then goes back to the company he owns in Charlotte. He told me that most of the prisoners are very religious. This is a very touching story and a tribute to the truly humble nature of Rev. Graham.
And now for a little light entertainment … could this have been the final get-together of this famous trio?
From ‘TatonkaWoman’: De-Light-Full! Oh how many are and will be in heaven because this man said, “Yes, God. Here I am. Use me.”
From ‘NCNana’: That was fun after shedding so many tears watching the preacher’s funeral service. A reminder a full life includes tears and laughter. See you in the morning. 🙂
From ‘Landslide’: Just finished watching the service. I just love the doors of the library being part of the cross – all who enter do so by coming through at the “foot of the cross”.
Billy Graham was a humble, faithful, and selfless man. He was obedient to Jesus Christ and offered many millions of people to come to the cross and choose to make Jesus the Lord of their lives. I am one of those millions and look forward to meeting Billy and Ruth in heaven one day.
Their children are each faithfully serving the Lord and are such gracious and humble people. God was glorified today and I pray that many people’s hearts were moved toward Him through this beautiful service.
Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die, And I laid me down with a will. This be the verse you ‘grave for me; “Here he lies where he longed to be, Home is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson – Requiem
H/T ‘sundance’ and Conservative Treehouse
Soli Deo Gloria!