Billy Graham, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Freedom, Genealogy, God, Jesus Christ, Lessons, Liberty, Life, Marty Goetz, Posterity, Teaching, Wisdom
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In honor of all the time Mike Long spends in his recognition of many friends on Facebook, yours truly thought it about time that somebody better step up and recognize Mike for all the pleasure and support that he lends to we, his humble friends and recipients of his largesse. And so I give you as a special token of our appreciation Mike, a gentle tribute to you, your family, and your heartfelt caring nature for those around you. It doesn’t go unnoticed.
As you view the pics, be sure and play this wonderful song from one of my very favorite people, Marty Goetz, which is synced with the carousel. Merry Christmas Mike, and may the blessings of Christmas overflow into a most happy and joyful, confident and prosperous New Year to you and yours. And many, many thanks for your caring nature.
Marty Goetz and his wonderfully-inspiring music can be found right here …