Cuomo no regrets on sex & mass murder. The end as the beginning of the end…

Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. ~ Hebrews 13: 7-8

Lisa Schiffren, American Greatness: Albany District Attorney David Soares on Tuesday announced he would be dropping the last sexual harassment charge against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. D.A.s from other New York counties announced the same thing last week. So, that enormous folder of harassment charges, which were the stated cause for Cuomo’s resignation in August, were as thin and unprosecutable as they appeared.

Of far greater importance, no charges have been filed against Cuomo for the deliberate or negligent killing of 15,000 senior citizens  who had the bad luck to be housed in New York state nursing homes as COVID-19 invaded our shores. I suppose this was to be expected.

Surely, we are too sophisticated to assume that any such politically motivated wrongdoing, critical to the imposition of lockdowns and other general deprivations of freedom and traditional liberties, would be punished. Still, it’s worth re-examining the facts we have, and the presumptive deals that got Andy off any hook at all.


DGH: Cuomo no regrets. These people are dead directly because of the executive order of Andrew Cuomo, and the trial lawyers are scurrying like cockroaches out of the light. That of course is because government is worse than the Mob. A trial lawyer’s business life would be over, mort, if he filed this suit. 


Lisa Schiffren: Et voilà. It’s a new year, and we see that Cuomo will not be prosecuted for the one sexual harassment charge that looked provable. Or the 15,000 deaths. The presumptive deal held. Though one wonders how these women who were encouraged to gin up real anger about Andrew’s patting and comments feel today. Do they feel foolish or manipulated? Probably not. Half of them likely were in on the joke. The other half actually believe that a comment about a dress constitutes rape.

It is important to remember that the D.C. cabal, which may theoretically have requested that Cuomo institute policies that would kill those seniors, needed those deaths in order to make the case for a national lockdown and to institute mail-in voting practices that would allow Democrats to get rid of Trump.


DGH: Cuomo no regrets. America has always been, and continues to be, a center-right country. Until We the People wrest control of the federal bureaucracy from Democratic Party domination, American Democracy cannot prevail. Would they return Grammy to him now? Boy, these political yo-yos can be really confusing.


Lisa Schiffren: It remains true that this case—the deaths—which is central to all that is happening to deprive Americans of real self-government and constitutional freedom due to various COVID mandates—should have led to indictments and discovery.

In a fair political system, not a corrupt one-party state, Cuomo would probably have faced conviction for willful, or even merely negligent action that led to those deaths. But if you thought that was going to happen, then your brain is parked somewhere deep and dark. You have failed to notice that we no longer live in a nation of laws; that everything Democratic officials do to further the narrative that makes their lockdown agenda and its spinoffs of vote manipulation plausible will continue without normal consequence.

Cuomo brothers no regrets on sex & mass murder of the innocents…


DGH: Cuomo no regrets. What those democrat governors did was exactly what Stalin and Mao did. They will never be held accountable. The reason Cuomo was not prosecuted was because he would spill the names of those who helped him. Pretty easy to see in the disgusting state of New York.


Lisa Schiffren: A smart lawyer friend argues that it is far more plausible that Cuomo was initially negligent in shoving the contagious into nursing homes, and, like the combative, narcissistic sociopath we know him to be, simply could not admit that he had made a mistake as the body count mounted. Maybe. It’s possible, of course, since Cuomo is both stubborn and not especially intelligent. But maybe my friend is an optimist, both about Cuomo’s nature, and the existence of previously unthinkable political goals for the use of the virus.

As I see it, Cuomo’s narcissistic sociopathy allowed him to callously sacrifice the lives of thousands of older people, mostly in state-supported nursing homes, for the putative greater good of getting rid of President Trump. This argument hangs on his loud rejection of the USS Comfort—the Navy ship sent, in record time, by Trump to house recovering COVID patients. Similarly, there was a huge, empty hospital ward at the Javits Center.


DGH: Cuomo’s executive order to nursing homes, requiring them to accept Covid positive cases, is even “better” than asbestos cases, yet not one tort case against the State of New York and the person of Andrew Cuomo has been filed, never mind a class action case.


Lisa Schiffren: One hopes the political will to prosecute mass murder can be summoned once a different party gains power and bothers to investigate the needless deaths of Americans in New York, followed by those in New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California, all of whose governors adopted Cuomo’s policy after it was understood to cause deaths. Their efforts certainly ramped up the death counts that induced mass fear back in the spring of 2020 and allowed the cowed American public to accept previously unimaginable limitations on our actions.

In the unlikely case that justice is ever served, charges of treason should be added to mass murder for those governors. But don’t hold your breath about any of this happening.


DGH: Cuomo no regrets. Of course a deal was made. How’s Cuomo’s bank account looking these days? Now that the transaction is concluded, will CNN rehire Chris? Or will their benefactors help with his $18M payday? The corruption is insulting, but done in plain sight. Meanwhile, a mass murderer walks free. Ain’t America great?


By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. ~ Hebrews 13: 15-16



Face of Jesus by Richard Hook

Soli Deo Gloria!