Gabby Petito: a sad, sad, farewell to arms…
03 Sunday Oct 2021
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Billy Graham, C.S.Lewis, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Freedom, Genealogy, God, I Have A Dream, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Wisdom
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Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. ~ Hebrews 13: 1-2
John Kaemph, American Thinker: I write this feeling awkward and a bit old. Like millions across the country, I found myself gripped by 22-year-old Gabby Petito’s tragic homicide in Wyoming. She could have been my daughter. Then it struck me that this isn’t the usual somewhat embarrassing “rubbernecking” over true crime, and in this case involving a beautiful young woman. Instead, it reflects a broader societal problem.
What grabbed me most is the video of her encounter with her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, and the Moab, Utah police (full clip linked down below). The couple had been having an extended and public “lovers’ quarrel” that was so bad that it led to police involvement. She is sitting in her vehicle and crying uncontrollably about how they have been “fighting all morning.” But oddly, witnesses report that she was the aggressor toward Brian.
DGH: Girls have been told to give freely of their bodies to be liberated since the 1960’s. I’m told it gets you either lonely, bitter or in this case dead. Fatherhood for yours truly (and the title of an early B&W TV Show “My Three Sons”) has been all boys and thankfully all of them happily married. My sister and brother-in-law husband had the girls. Go figure! The underlying dysfunction is the root of so many of our problems today. Without an agreed upon moral code and with a prevailing ethos that people are to be used and things are to be loved, rather than the other way around, a civilization breaks down of its own accord.
John Kaemph: In the video, the police officer notes that he has scratches on his face and is bleeding. She was then the victim of a homicide soon afterward. Why? What happened? Brian is in hiding and sure looks guilty. The couple claimed to be engaged, but there was no wedding date. Also, before Gabby went on a long cross-country trip alone with Brian, she lived with him at his parents’ home in Florida.
Nothing was ever formalized, nor did they act like a young couple stepping into the world of full adult maturity. So what struck me — and I know I come across like a 1950s dad — is that so much of this could have been avoided if young women like Gabby did not fully give themselves emotionally and sexually to young men like Brian, with no commitment. Many of these Millennials choose to live in a “netherworld” between childhood and adulthood.
DGH: Feminists have long demanded “liberation” and “equality” and many are getting it – unfortunately good and hard! Trouble is, there’s NO equality when it comes to physical strength. These individuals are not “Millennials” in a true sense but lean more towards Generation Z. Their “world” is the warped place known as social media and it’s impossible to overestimate how profoundly social media has wrecked human culture generally, and the underpinning of healthy interpersonal relationships specifically. There’s nothing to be ashamed of as this is simply human nature.
John Kaemph: They want to play grown-up with their relationship, but they lack the work ethic and maturity to take steps such as getting married or buying a house. Instead, they do things like living with their parents and having them pay for their health insurance. Gabby was a beautiful and apparently intelligent young woman. One can only imagine the sorrow of her parents. But why did she put up with a relationship like this?
In the video, she says through tears that “we’ve been fighting all morning,” and “he really stresses me out.” And “I’m sorry that I’m so mean.” I have a guess as to why she was so upset. Because her heart, brain, ovaries, and uterus were screaming at her, “This is not right!” What has led her and millions of other young women down the road to this kind of life? The answer, in large part, is that the modern feminist movement has sold a couple of huge lies to young women.
DGH: Multitudes of young people approach adulthood not prepared to realize that relationships – especially marriage – are a commitment, that inevitable differences (and there are many) are to be worked through and resolved for successful relationships to succeed and flourish. It requires endless self-acknowledgement, humbling oneself, and many other virtues one doesn’t automatically possess, but yet through patience and faith one can acquire. We refer to it as maturity, and character, albeit that yours truly isn’t totally convinced that if they were married that it would have ended any better.
John Kaemph: The first is that sex lacks an emotional component, so it will leave no mark. And the second is that if you get pregnant, and don’t want the baby, just get an abortion, because that is “reproductive health care.” These losers presenting themselves as young “men” enjoying an adolescence that often extends into their 30s are not helping. And why should they? They benefit from their access to these misguided young women.
And in this case, if you’re one of those women, you end up all the way across the country alone, hysterical, frightened, and then dead. [end]
DGH: I would add one other thing in closing. For far too long now little girls and then women have been put on such a high pedestal while boys and men have been categorized as rapacious bullies imbued with toxic masculinity. Put these two ideologies and brainwashing together on a long lonely trip between man and woman and sparks inevitably begin to fly. The lovely young lady perhaps no longer had the cheering pussyhat crowd around and one must guess the guy had simply had enough playing the part of a wussy. And the rest as they say, became tragic history.
Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. ~ Hebrews 13: 7-8
John Kaempf, American Thinker: Gabby Petito’s Life Didn’t Have to End as it Did
See also Alice Kelly, YourTango: Clip From Body Cam: How Much Gaby Petito Feared Laundrie Candace Owens Reacts to Joy Reid’s Insane Comments on Gabby Petito Case
See also the video of her tense encounter with her boyfriend Brian Laundrie and the Moab Utah Police
Soli Deo Gloria!