Immune system master of COV19….
28 Sunday Jun 2020
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Beyond the Cosmos, Billy Graham, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Fellowship of the Minds, Freedom, Genealogy, George Orwell, God, Jesus Christ, Lessons, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Self-Preservation, Texas, United States, Wisdom
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Immune system master of COV19…
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. ~ Matthew 6: 31-32
Plans and demands for school reopenings are coming in fast and furious from government and nongovernment organizations alike. Some are hundreds of pages long, requiring a phalanx of PhDs to sort through the details before implementation.
What seems universally clear is that no one is taking into account that the vast majority of us have immensely powerful immune systems that play a critical role in keeping us healthy and alive.
One plan calls for using sanitizing spray on all classroom surfaces multiple times per day; that children use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the classroom; and that all children and staff wear masks for the entire school day and, of course, ensure social distancing. The bureaucrats at the CDC would be proud of the results. [1]
Each time we are exposed to new or old germs our immune system grows smarter and stronger. It is healthy and necessary for our very survival, to be exposed to different germs and to recover to fight another day.
God’s intelligent design is marvelous. When an organism is given life without that design, the body’s immune system kicks in to keep the herd healthy by making sure that the defective organism cannot create others that lack that defect.
A malnourished immune system cannot be strong or effective. The majority of Americans are deficient in vitamins A, C, D, and zinc, all of which are essential nutrients for the immune system.

Immune system master of COV19…
But all of these “specialists” would have ignored the fact that from the day we are born we are assaulted by germs — by the millions, if not billions. Our very existence is dependent on a robust immune system — that is, the ability of our bodies to fight off any invasion of bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, and other pathogens. Fortunately, we were created with a powerful internal standing army of cells ready to protect us in each battle and capable of winning most wars.
In order for our immune system to be prepared for those battles, it has to train regularly and bring new recruits to the effort. Even before we are born, our immune system is exposed to germs and working to protect us. The result is that our body creates germ-specific special ops fighters to defeat a variety of enemies that life throws against us.
Each time we are exposed to new or old germs, our immune system grows smarter and stronger. It is healthy and necessary for our very survival to be exposed to different germs and to recover to fight another day. If we purposely prevent such exposure, we may gain in the short term, but we may also lose in devastating ways in the long term. [2]
Simple truths being consistently ignored.
Growing up in post-WWII England, mothers would purposely send us kids out into the streets to play with any of those already having the likes of measles, chicken pox, whooping cough etc etc., in order for us to get it, get over it, and remain immune for life! Simple.
Later on in my travels to lands far away that were the harbingers of some rather nasty diseases, I was ordered to dose-up before my departure with the likes of *Scarlet fever; *Measles; *Mumps; *Polio; *Tetanus disease; *Whooping cough; *Tuberculosis (TB); *Smallpox; *Chickenpox; *Yellow fever; *Flu; and a few other ‘minor’ invasive diseases added in for good measure, simply to make sure that I wouldn’t be ‘felled’ by diseases uncommon to we Brits.
You may [well] remember a Seinfeld episode titled “The Bubble Boy” in which a boy needed to live inside a plastic bubble because he did not have a functioning immune system. It didn’t end well for the “Bubble Boy” when his germ-free bubble was violated and he was exposed to germs.
Modern society has gone overboard with deploying antibacterial soaps, lotions, and cleaning products. They indiscriminately kill germs, yes, but they also wipe out the good bacteria that help maintain a strong and diverse microbiome. “Kills up to 99.9% of common gems,” reads one bottle of hand sanitizer. Everyone has a microbiome, a collection of more than 100 trillion (!) microbes that live on and in our bodies, the majority in our large (and clearly crowded) intestine. The more diverse your individual microbiome, the healthier you are. [3]
A quick call to the ‘authority’ that you were going to Papua New Guinea or someplace on business would result in a quick response to which say, your malaria jab was injected two weeks before departure, so that you would arrive in the country completely immune to the disease. Here I am some 50+ years on and still standing!
We’ve already had enough experts from Fauci and his matronly co-partner. What we don’t need are more PhDs and their expertise. Too many of these frauds and parasites already advise on matters. Unelected, semigods in their own minds. How about common sense which seems to be lacking in today’s way of life.
Unless of course these geniuses have banned it for that as well.
Research indicates that early exposure to a variety of microbes may help lower the risk of developing conditions like asthma, allergies, and even infectious diseases. Think of it this way: if you exercise regularly and your body is fit, you are less likely to be injured, be overweight, have cardiovascular disease or diabetes. When you stop exercising, your level of fitness declines, along with all the benefits. Your immune system works in the same way: stimulate it regularly, such as when a child plays in the dirt, and you are more likely to win the battles against the dangerous germs, including COVID-19.

Immune system master of COV19…
With COVID-19, we have gone “Bubble Boy” sterilization crazy, and it is not helping us. We now sanitize everything: bus seats, door handles, gas pumps, purchased products, our bodies. We are cleaning our homes (and some offices) as if they were an extension of a hospital’s ICU. I have one patient who told me he comes home from the market, takes all of his clothes off outside, hoses himself off, puts the clothes in a bag, and then takes a hot shower.
The fear of COVID-19 has driven us to impossible and unhealthful behavior. [4]
In conclusion – In the early days of this so called pandemic, the Surgeon General said the same thing about masks, in that sick people should wear them to reduce the risk of transmitting their bugs to other people, not to stop healthy people from getting sick. I thought that was good advice and it made sense, since I’d been through it all when younger. He was standing near the President at a news release and in the background, waiting to have his say was that nasty little dwarf, Fauci and I was wondering if that little twerp had the Surgeon General silenced, because he was barely heard from again.
Even in the realm of probity, there exist some nasty little creatures.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. ~ Matthew 6: 33-34
Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D., American Thinker [1]-[4]: Immune Systems Matter
Soli Deo Gloria!
06/29/2020 at 2:26 PM
Another helping of common sense, please.
06/29/2020 at 2:59 PM
Thanks Ed … We’re being ‘worked over’ … !!!
06/29/2020 at 2:27 PM
Another helping of common sense, please.