Incoherent old man yells ‘findalize europe!’
05 Sunday Jun 2022
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Incoherent old man yells ‘findalize europe!’
Let every soul be subject unto the highest powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. ~ Romans 13: 1-2
Robert Spencer, FrontPageMag: Old Joe Biden took his president act to Annapolis Friday, giving a bizarre teleprompter reading to the U.S. Naval Academy class of 2022 that demonstrated before the watching world yet again that this is not a man who is fit to perform the job he is supposed to be doing. From the creepy whispering and outright lies to the unaccountable shouting and mangled verbiage, the Navy grads were treated to a tour de force Biden performance and one that once again raised the question of why anyone ever thought it would be a good idea to install this man in the Oval Office.
The speech hit the usual nonsensical far-Left talking points. We heard, for instance, that COVID-19 had accelerated climate change: “Over the past few years, we’ve seen how interconnected the world is. The deadly pandemic has impacted not just our own schooling, but almost every aspect of our lives – impacts of disruptions to the global supply chain causing significant inflation; accelerating the climate crisis that’s leading to rising seas and more severe weather patterns arou- — around the globe.”
DGH: Joe Biden is indeed, a puppet “president.” Therefore he’s actually a pseudo “president”, since bogus “president” Biden is a puppet who is the useful idiot of others with much more political power; let’s say the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and that overseas foreign villain, Gyorgy Schwarz-Soros, as well as others who are all just as sinister as Biden but much more intelligent than him. Tell me again this dementia patient received 81 million votes which would be far more than a record. A dumb idiot!
Robert Spencer: How’s that again, Joe? A pandemic led to warmer global temperatures? This kind of ridiculous statement illustrates why fewer and fewer people “trust the science” these days; this isn’t any kind of genuine science at all. It’s pure superstition. Joe famously claims to be Catholic, while cheerfully flouting the actual teaching of his Church; in this case, however, he was giving vent to pure paganism: apparently, the pandemic angered Gaia, who decided to turn the thermostat up on those rebellious humans even more than she had already. Biden started shouting as he tried to stir up the grads to join him in a two-minute rant against Vladimir Putin, excoriating the Russian’s “brutal, brutal war in Ukraine:
“Not only is he trying to take over Ukraine, he’s literally trying to wipe out the culture and identity of the Ukrainian people, attacking schools, nurseries, hospitals, museums with no other purpose than to eliminate a culture. A direct assault on the fundamental tenets of rule-based international order.” The transcript, as is so often the case, doesn’t give the full flavor of the speech here, as Biden actually shouted “Schools! Nurseries! Hospitals! Museums!” in an unaccountable display of anger that dissipated as quickly as it appeared.
DGH: Mmmm … photograph of a madman, a crackpot, someone who is insane and well-beyond the hope of ever regaining sanity. To think, he is loose in society and is the “head” of a country. That guy doesn’t have enough head left just for himself. Would someone please guide him to a quiet, dimly lit, padded cell for the duration. The head of a crime family after all, put down in the White House. LBJ and the mob would be so, so excited. Come to think of it, Barry Soetoro used to holler quite a bit, as well.!
Robert Spencer: While Putin’s actions in Ukraine may legitimately cause anger, Biden’s rage was strange; he never yelled, for example, about the American soldiers murdered in Afghanistan during his catastrophically bungled withdrawal from that country. The man has his priorities, and he has made it abundantly clear over the last year and a half that the well-being of Americans is not among them.
Biden also asserted that “before I departed Asia – before I left for Asia, I should say, I got a phone call from the Prime Minister of Sweden and the President of Finland – could they come and see me in the Oval. They came to ask me whether I would support them joining NATO. The actions taken by Putin were an attempt to – to use my phrase – to ‘Findalize’ all of Europe – make it all neutral. Instead, he ‘NATOized’ all of Europe.”
DGH: Reading from his usual teleprompter, what genius on his staff put in a tough word like “Finlandize” in his speech, which Joe was bound to mangle? Then again yours truly is of a mind that the transcriber left in “Findalize” because that person didn’t know any better either. The Alzheimer Joe administration isn’t exactly comprised of the best and brightest brains ever brought to the forefront. If ‘ands’ and ‘buts’ were candy nuts, they’d all be millionaires. O WAIT!
Robert Spencer: “To use my phrase” was right: Biden appears to be the first person ever to use the word “Findalize.” He was actually trying to say that Putin was trying to Finlandize Europe, that is, make it a neutral zone between the U.S. and Russia. But the Big Guy couldn’t quite manage to get “Finlandize” out, so we got “Findalize,” and by this point, the transcriber, who must get combat pay when it comes time to transcribe a Biden speech, had apparently given up in despair, as the transcript leaves “Findalize” there without even attempting to clear up what Old Joe was actually trying to say. Old Joe also claimed that North Korea had joined America and its allies in sanctioning Russia:

Incoherent old man yells ‘findalize europe!’ … and all with outlawed son in tow
“For the first time — if I can hesitate [hesitate?] for a second here — did anybody think, when I called for sanctions against Russia, that in addition to NATO, that Australia, Japan, North Korea, some of the ASEAN countries, would stand up and support those sanctions?” No, Joe, no one in the entire world thought that, and of course, it didn’t happen. Despair or no, the transcript wonk couldn’t let that one go by, and so blandly crossed out “North” in the official transcript and added “South” in brackets, but Joe himself didn’t notice what he had said and plowed on. The part of the speech that got the most attention was when Joe whispered, “I’m your commander-in-chief.” And yeah, that is the scariest part. [end]
DGH: Thus an incoherent old man yells ‘findalize europe!’, so just imagine working hard to graduate from a prestigious academy and attending a ceremony to honor your achievement, and after all that, as a parting insult, being forced to endure a mentally-retarded fraud with stage 5 Alzheimer’s disease attempt to read an idiotic, “woke” word salad of a speech. How inspirational could that be. “Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every Foreign Policy / National Security issue over the past 40 years”. ~Robert Gates, Obama’s Secretary of Defense. “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to screw things up”. ~OBO#44
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. ~ Romans 13: 3-4
- Robert Spencer, FrontPageMag: Confused Old Man Shouts at Navy Grads that Putin Wants to ‘Findalize’ Europe
Soli Deo Gloria!