Justice Brett Kavanaugh Soli Deo Gloria!
19 Sunday Jun 2022
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
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Justice Brett Kavanaugh Soli Deo Gloria! Retired Justice Anthony Kennedy administers Judicial Oath to Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh Oct 6 2018
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that brought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. ~ 2 Peter 2: 1-2
Thom Nickels, FrontPageMag: The days following the publication of the leaked Roe v Wade Supreme Court draft were filled with unhinged protests. There were rallies in small towns and large cities, some lasting hours with 5-to-10 minute speaking allotments so that each activist could have his or her say. There was plenty of screaming, raised fists and threats – due to fear that the draft would become the law of the land.
At these many rallies the applause-o-meter was significantly high when a woman announced that she had had an abortion. “I’m married with two beautiful children but at age 18 I wasn’t ready for a child so I had an abortion!” (Hearty applause). “I’ve never told anyone this but I had an abortion when I was a teenager.” (Standing ovation applause plus accompanying screams.)
“With fear and fury, thousands across U.S. rally for abortion rights,” The Washington Post declared in a massive headline. At a Harrisburg rally, Governor Tom Wolfe sat alongside Democrat warriors intent on creating a June 2020 George Floyd nationwide riot scenario should Roe v Wade be overturned in June. Get ready; be prepared, many speakers seemed to be threatening: There will be hell to pay.
DGH: As I mentioned some weeks ago, know thyself and the truth of thine heart. The day that American Conservative politicians respond and deal with the “woke culture” of insanity, lies, disinformation and misinformation with the temerity and conviction of Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Texas Gov Abbott and others, will be the glorious day that the Constitutional Republic, envisioned and made possible by the originalists, will once again emerge victorious!
Thom Nickels: Not to be outdone, VP Kamala Harris, without cackling, pronounced: “How dare they tell a woman what they can do with their own body! How dare they!” The rallies made it plainly obvious that the speakers were trying to outdo one another. Who sounds the most radical? Who will get the most applause?
Then there’s Chuck Schumer, who made the following comment outside the Supreme Court in March 2020 at an abortion-rights rally: “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” You won’t know what hit you: truth said in a moment of high emotional passion.
Meanwhile, the leftist media was busy spinning gothic tales of a nation soon to be under the grip of Nazis and fascists. Should the overturning of Roe v Wade become law, say goodbye to your freedoms; say goodbye to democracy. Night and day, these fears and other warnings were belted out: gays and women will soon be second-class citizens; society will collapse; the Court wants to take the country back to the 19th Century.
DGH: Tough guy Schumer has a habit of making threatening remarks when his world is not going as he expects. Who else remembers the above Trump remark: Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you, Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. Let me tell you Schumer, you should be censured for your threats. Perhaps jailed, even.
Thom Nickels: In the midst of all of this, the incessant angry bombast was not lost on one twenty-six-year-old Leftoid in Simi, California. Roske’s plan is by now well-known. He hopped a plane from California to Maryland, then took a taxi to Brett Kavanaugh’s house. In a suitcase he had a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines, ammunition, a tactical knife, pepper spray, a hammer, and duct tape. The duct tape is what creeps me out the most.
Was his plan to tape the Supreme Court Justice to a chair, then tape his mouth and neck while he acted out something Hannibal Lector-like? I tried to match the duct tape scenario with the photo of Nicholas and his family, the one in which he is hugging his father, pumping out the love, as it were. No suggestion of hammers or duct tape there.
But that’s because Nicholas thought he was embarking on a noble crusade (to kill Kavanaugh). An assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand-style would give his life meaning (as he admitted when he called 911 and turned himself in) even though he had planned on killing himself once he killed Kavanaugh. After that he would go down in history: Nicholas Roske saved the USA from Nazism and fascism!
DGH: Biden and the demoMarxocrats instigated this attempted assassination and had the nutter pulled off his murder Biden and the DemoMarxocrats would have appointed another Lefty SCOTUS Judge. Using the words “Conservative” and “Christian” as though they were synonymous simply doesn’t compute. Church has no business telling the non-church what to do, or how to live. Christians will never change evil. Evil will always be evil and do evil. Evil is as evil does. Justice Brett Kavanaugh Soli Deo Gloria!
Thom Nickels: On June 14, 2022 when the House of Representatives finally approved a Senate bill adding additional security to Supreme Court justices and their family members … Mitch McConnell, in an attempt to kickstart the stalled legislation, called out Biden after the assassination attempt when he said that House Democrats were “fiddling around with the legislation,” while calling for its immediate passage.
On the heels of the assassination attempt, the Democrats stoked the flames of national disunity with their January sixth Hollywood insurrection spectacular. The attempt on Brett Kavanaugh’s life seemed to be fading into an even more obscure obscurity.
Mindful of the January 6 hearings as a backdrop, The Wall Street Journal had this to say: “What about the growing threat to the third branch of democratic government, the Supreme Court, and especially the seeming nonchalance toward last week’s arrest of an armed man outside the house of Justice Brett Kavanaugh?”
DGH: Just because past societies legally enforced sexual morality doesn’t make their moral fiber better when they all still participated in immoral acts, albeit with more hypocrisy. The sexual revolution created issues with premarital sex and feminism but folks weren’t exactly saints in the past regarding that stuff either. People back then like people today were sinners and susceptible to sin. “The world will not be saved by legislation.” ~ President William H. Taft

Justice Brett Kavanaugh Soli Deo Gloria! Associate Justice being sworn-in by Chief Justice John Roberts .. Oct 6 2018
Thom Nickels: Judging by the Democrat and media reaction, you’d think this was routing news. Publications such as the NYT buried the story, while President Biden still hadn’t commented as of Sunday afternoon. Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed barely to care as she said how the House will get around to considering a Senate bill to add security for the families of the Justices. Does anyone think this could have been the reaction if Justice Sonia Sotomayor had been targeted?”
Had Sotomayor been targeted you would have seen Rachel Maddow mimicking Edward Munch’s painting “The Scream”; Joy Behar on The View hyperventilating and tripping over her own words. Every newspaper, every legacy media anchor, every blue-haired, tattooed Democrat feminist in a tank top (with underarm hair) would have gone into overdrive, while President Biden would have delivered a special address on primetime TV.
In the coming days and weeks, when Roe is officially overturned, and when Nicholas Roske, 26, is brought to trial, expect to see the Left contort and reinvent facts. “Nicholas Roske, political prisoner,” or “an Assassin Misunderstood.” At this point, of course, the White House will have already rolled out the you-don’t-know-what-hit-you (pay the price) whirlwind.
DGH: In the eyes of God, sexual sin is very, very serious. In pagan cultures, it was so vile that God literally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for its militant ho mo se xu al ity and general debauchery. If the conversation about sexual immorality, especially the massive problems caused by illegitimacy, isn’t publicly discussed, you can expect violence from the left threatened by any restrictions when it comes to abortion. Guaranteed!
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment … the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations; ~ 2 Peter 2: 3-4(9)
- Thom Nickels, FrontPageMag: Dear Justice Kavanaugh: ‘You Won’t Know What hit You’
Soli Deo Gloria!