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The note handed to VP Mike Pence from the released Korean hostages…
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Over at The Conservative Treehouse there resides a commenter with the handle ‘longing for truth’ who is blessed with such a spiritual acumen and an attendant vocabulary that is an absolute wonder to behold. As if, for instance, he / she were in direct contact with the throneroom of heaven itself! Would that most of us had the temerity to boldly go forth and accede to the will of God to place his imprimatur upon the occasion at hand, whatever it may be. In this case, the remarkable events that have turned North Korea around from a hated communistic stronghold of terror, to a willing participant in securing an enduring peace with their neighbors to the south.
And all orchestrated by our ebullient presidential expert in leadership within ‘the art of the deal’, Donald J. Trump. ‘Longing for truth’ belongs in the same genre`, as you no doubt will agree…

Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in symbolically cross the North/South Korea border…
“I pray for Kim Jong-un, or ‘Rocket Man’ as he has been aptly named. I see his heart and have great hope for him. He has many people in his own country who have TRULY called him ‘Kim the Dear Leader’ and, even as he committed the most heinous crimes, I prayed for God’s mercy on His soul and our Lord has heard. Imagine he’s just a kid … that his father and grandfather were the true dictators. All he’s seen his entire life is the workings of tyrants. He’s been wanting something different .. he tried the evil way and now he wants to do ‘good’; but, exactly what is ‘good’? Meanwhile all the countries around Kim are using him to further their own ends. He’s trapped like a hunted down tiger.”
“I am looking at things spiritually. All of the things done in the past are tried but nothing works. Our wonderful President, very wise and kind, names Kim an actually endearing name (as in Elton John’s ‘Rocket Man’? – another adroit Trump move) and gives him an out. As I said, I pray for him. I know I am looking at this extremely simplistically but God hears and I have great hope for this kid and his people! I pray it won’t be another Germany … and I believe it won’t be. God has great things planned and we will soon find that there are many, many believers in North Korea! This is such a great day and the tears of joy keep falling!”

President Trump and Melania greeting Korean hostages at 3:00 AM May 10, 2018 at Joint Base Andrews…
“It’s difficult to put into words but the release of these captives is a beautiful picture of we the People of America. Their true captivity reflects our spiritual prison which closed in on us as we were ‘punished’ for doing what was good. Their years of suffering hard labor and the boundless joy of finally being free, can be readily seen in their faces. We have slogged through the hopelessness of decades at a form of hard labor we barely understood. Our eyes kept looking around, trying to recognize our ‘Land of the Free, Home of the Brave’, but now, OUR bonds have been broken and, as we see the great joy on the faces of these men, our hearts leap with joy with them for we also are FREE!”
“Our Great and Mighty God has heard our cries, the cries of these men swelling up with our own, and He has had mercy on all! This beautiful Family is OUR Family! We continually stand amazed that they are ours! Fighting for us all. Freeing us from the chains that all dictatorial tyrants so readily clamp on us. Our weary hearts rejoice, as these freed men, stare in stunned, happy disbelief that we are truly free and being freed every day![end] ~ ‘longing for truth’
God did not enable man to understand how he works. But you can see the results of his work if you open your heart, to which the eyes will then see.
We are truly living in amazing times, and personally I’m grateful for the chance to witness it. Only rarely does this occur in history. We are attempting to put into words that which cannot be put into words because what we’re witnessing here is not of this world. Quite literally, we’re privy to remarkable events: the hand of God reaching into human history in direct, visible and profound ways with this president as the divine conduit.
In many ways, President Trump reminds me very much of David, ‘a man after God’s own heart’, with exactly the same characteristics.

VP Mike Pence greeting the Korean hostages on their return to the USA…
Clearly, President Trump is very aware that he is acting on behalf of a greater Authority with his whole being, with all of his talents, experience and skills. He understands he’s a servant and has approached this presidency with a humble and contrite heart. Amazing grace, you might say.
As Vice President Mike Pence expressed it on Twitter: “It was an amazing moment I’ll never forget … when 3 Americans stepped onto the tarmac at JBA NAFW & gave me a signed personal note with Psalm 126 on the back. “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion…” To these men of faith & courage – God bless you & welcome home!”
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end … And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. ~ Jeremiah 29: 11-14
H/T Conservative Treehouse – The Last Refuge
Soli Deo Gloria!