OBO#44/FJB robber-barons’ fall of grace. God’s applecart is not for upsetting…

False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not. They rewarded me evil for good to the spoiling of my soul. But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sack-cloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom. ~ Psalm 35:11-13

Jack Hellner, American Thinker: The media say they have always been concerned about big money in elections. They also say they are very concerned about foreign money in elections, and honest elections, so here is a trial which should draw great interest. It also involves a billionaire and stolen money. It has a major movie star, Leonardo DiCaprio, who is testifying about corruption. Yet so far it hasn’t. It is too bad that DiCaprio wasn’t testifying about green energy. Then it would get major coverage. Or if Gwyneth Paltrow had a ski accident, or if Johnny Depp was getting sued, then it would have had massive coverage.  If there was a fake dossier to destroy Donald Trump, paid for by the DNC, and Hillary alleging Russian collusion, the media would have covered this story for years despite no evidence. The only problem with this story is that it involved millions of illegal foreign donations being laundered to support their chosen one, Barack Obama in 2012.


DGH: DemoMarxocrats need to be pounded unmercifully with their dirty deeds, past and present. Enough of their schemes to blame Republicans/Conservatives for their KKK/Jim Crow past, their Russian communist collusion/FDR/Clintons/OBO#44/FJBiden/Pelosi/Schumer/McConnell/headache alert/headache alert!!! OBO#44/FJB robber-barons’ fall of grace. THAT!


Jack Hellner: Movie star Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court Monday morning as part of a trial involving international money laundering, bribery and a prominent rap artist. Prakazrel “Pras” Michel — a founding member of the iconic 1990s hip-hop group, The Fugees — is accused of funneling money from a fugitive Malaysian financier through straw donors to Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. Five years later, prosecutors say he tried to squelch an investigation into that same financier under former President Donald Trump’s administration. At the heart of the case is Low Taek Jho, usually known as Jho Low. He is accused of masterminding an international money laundering and bribery scheme that stole billions from the Malaysian state investment fund known as 1MDB.


DGH: Barry & the dems doing something dishonest? Oh, no. Say it ain’t so! Say it ain’t so! The globalist yellow press, which needs to disappear and the media destroyed one guy/gal at a time by showing what scum they truly, truly are. THAT!


Jack Hellner: According to the charges, Michel essentially became a conduit for Low’s pilfered millions and his attempts to influence the U.S. government. Prosecutors allege that from June to November 2012, Low directed more than $21.6 million to be moved from foreign entities to Michel’s accounts in order to funnel money into the 2012 presidential election. They say Michel then paid about 20 straw donors and conduits so they could make the donations in their names and conceal where the money actually came from, according to the indictment. The media had as much interest in illegal contributions in the above story as they did in the crypto crook donating millions in illegal contributions with stolen money, mostly to Democrats.


DGH: To try and feel outrage against the MSM is like hating grizzly bears because they’re vicious. That’s who they are and honesty or truth shall never cross their lips. They can see it and they still won’t care. THAT!


Jack Hellner: All this, as they pretend that the 2020 election was the cleanest ever. Most of the media didn’t care that billionaire Mark Zuckerburg spent hundreds of millions in the 2020 election to get Democrats elected in what Wisconsin officials called bribery. A 2020 election integrity probe in Wisconsin reported findings Tuesday that a nonprofit group funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg committed election bribery when it targeted $8.8 million in get-out-the-vote funds to five heavily Democratic jurisdictions. They still pretend that the 2020 election was clean. The media has gone into full protection mode to catch and kill stories that their billionaire piggy bank, George Soros, didn’t donate big money to support Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney targeting Trump, and other soft-on-crime DAs.


DGH: What is funny is that all the stuff we read here will never be seen by the people that need to see it. As many of that hate FNC, 90% of the things they report are never on the network news and never will be. Most people in the US do not know there is a border crisis because the MSM is an arm of the DNC. THAT!


Jack Hellner: They hope we are so ignorant we don’t understand that when Soros funnels money through leftist groups to candidates, that amounts to a contribution. Most of the media still don’t care how the corrupt Biden family gets massive kickbacks from foreign parties, no matter how much evidence they see. But Trump paying off a nuisance fee of $130,000 to a porno “actress” for something that may have occurred seventeen years ago is somehow a great threat to our democracy and demands endless coverage. What a joke. The media and other Democrats have never cared about big money in elections or clean elections. They care about power for leftists, nothing more. They are the existential threat to our survival as the greatest country that has ever existed. [end]


DGH: No more Mr. Nice Guy Republicans. Shame the Democrats with the truth from the house tops, billboards, leftist comment boards, everywhere. We have an obligation to posterity to proclaim the Truth loud and clear or live in shame for our cowardice. OBO#44/FJB robber-barons’ fall of grace. THAT!


Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them. By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not triumph over me. ~ Psalm 41: 9-11



Face of Jesus by Richard Hook

Soli Deo Gloria!
