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Remember when…
So a few weeks ago, I check the comments page on my website and scrolling through them I come across: “Hello Mr. Hurst, having known you back in the mid-70s I can’t begin to tell you how happy I was to hear that you ended up on the same road I did. God is faithful. Who knew? I just ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it this weekend. God Bless. ~ Angels Unseen.“
In case you need reminding, the “mid-70s” is now getting on 40 years ago – in fact, IS 40 years ago, considering 1974 to 2014 is in fact, exactly 40 years. MMmmmmm … Have you ever had such a message that gets your mind racing at, like, 1000 miles an hour?! How many people do we all meet in the span of a lifetime? How many people come and go in and out of our lives even in the span of one year? But 40? Remember when…
Not surprisingly, and very full of curiosity, my return response went: “Angels Unseen, thanks so much for your note to my website .. it is always a pleasure to hear back from my readers, especially-so from those who can recall events from some 40-years distant! I would be most interested in hearing back from you and on what occasion it was that we became acquainted. God indeed “moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.” Looking forward to your response. In Him. ~ DeeGee“
A few days later I received the following:
We have a mutual friend that I have not heard from in years,” she replied, “and last week, to my surprise, I found I had a message from her on my voice mail. When I called her back we talked about old times .. Your name came up and I was told that you were very religious and political, both of which sparked my curiosity. I checked out your website and was so happy to see that you were not “religious” but had found the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob .. After reading the summary of your book and the line “Fortunately for Hurst, God had him exactly where he needed him” it immediately brought me back to a summer evening in 1990. After putting my two young sons to bed, on my knees in my living room, I buried my face in a pillow to keep my sobs and cries from waking my boys. I could no longer do this on my own and I cried out to God. He had me exactly where he needed me to be. I was in a desperate situation for my marriage and for my husband. Life has so many twists and turns. It was there on that floor that I believe I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I gave up trying to do this on my own and gave it all to him. He was of course faithful and we will be celebrating our 37th anniversary this August.
Remember when…
At this juncture, it may be appropriate to quote from the aforementioned book that my friend “Angels Unseen” was referring to. You see, back in those days that I write about, I was a lot different to the person I am today. Pro soccer, three or four entrepreneurial enterprises on the go, international and domestic travel aplenty, lots of coming and going and doings (if you catch my meaning) … And as I describe in one chapter of the book:
I knew a guy a few years ago. Had it all. I mean, he was a guy someone could look up to, know what I mean? He had the world by the balls. Ex-jock. Played soccer for one of those fancy English pro clubs. I mean, he lived life in the smooth lane. Fast cars. Late nights. Loose women. Lived life to the full. The stories he could tell, man! After he quit the pro game he traveled the world as a high-flyin’ business exec. Some kind of international marketing veep. Traveled six months of the year I know that. I remember once he said that he lived more on airplanes than he did at home. And man, the money he made! And the crowd he traveled with! One time he told me that he’d met the Queen of England and her husband. What’s his name? Philip, yea that’s him. Duke of Edinburgh. I told him he was joshin’ me. Not on your life says he, and he shows me this correspondence between ’em. True. And this guy who led the Everest climb back in ’53. Hunt? Yea, that’s him. Sir John Hunt. Showed me a picture of the two of ’em together. Anyway, this guy knew him and a whole bunch of other folks who I just can’t remember right now. Pop stars. Movie stars. Race car drivers, you name it, he’d done it. Been with ’em all. Partied with ’em all. Done it with ’em all.
So in retrospect (my mind talking to me) where did “Angels Unseen” fit in with all this coming and going and doing and stuff? Well, not to ramble on too much with the moral of the story, here’s another snippet from the book that might speed us along:
Staring vacantly out the curtainless window as the drizzle outside turned into a steady downpour, he began to take stock of his life. As one who had experienced the exhilaration and rewards of professional sports, the perks and privileges of a high-flying business executive, and the prestige and position that such a lifestyle allows, he found his new, lowly station in life both unexpected and depressing. Or was it? To the world’s way of thinking, it seemed to be; one step away from living out on the street, under a bridge, fighting for survival – a total unmitigated disaster. Fortunately for Hurst, God had him exactly where he needed him and set him off on his personal journey of rediscovery.
Remember when…
In the glorious weeks since, I have got to know this “Angel Unseen” all over again, and all about her family (two sons and a daughter, plus two grand-kids, one of each) and how she and her husband will be celebrating 37 years of marriage next month; and all as a consequence of the re-acquaintance. She on the other hand, has gained access into my innermost being, and now knows everything about my life in the 40 years since we first met. And why is that important? In the Lion King, Disney’s blockbuster cartoon movie from 1994, the over-riding message is how we are all entwined in the Circle of Life, how nothing happens inconsequentially, how we all go through life facing challenges aplenty, and how our character is suitably shaped by such experience. Biblically, Paul puts it rather more bluntly in I Corinthians 6:9-12 .. After describing the multifarious characteristics of those who shall never inherit the kingdom of God, he reminds us all in verse 11 not to think too highly of ourselves: “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
Remember when…
In the subsequent follow-up exchanges between “Angels Unseen” and yours truly, it became very clear that the intent to look after the minutiae of every believer’s life is very much a great part of God’s involvement with his created beings – especially his crowning glory, mankind. Every happening, every milestone, every contact and friendship made, every single thread woven into the fabric of life, good, bad, or indifferent, is God’s doing for His purpose; and more importantly, for the purpose, guidance, direction and fulfillment of His divine plan for each and every one of us born on this planet. The secret is in developing the art of Godly listening, and dwelling on the promise of Jesus Christ: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth .. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you .. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” ~ John 14:16-21
Remember when…
To be continued…..
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