Shamelessly ambitious to wreck America?

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, ~ II Timothy 3: 1-2

Jay Davidson, American Thinker: Law leads to order. Order allows a society to function in the safest and most efficient manner. The essence of law is a set of rules on which all citizens have agreed; it determines how we behave toward each other. Law is mandatory when two entities interact, so each knows the rules of interaction. Order allows a society, and an individual, to create the most pleasing world.

A rational mind seeks order; an irrational mind seeks chaos. The law of the land, our Constitution, goes one critical step farther. It establishes boundaries for the government. It is clearly written, as Scalia notes: “It says what it says. And it means what it means.” It is not subject to manipulation because it doesn’t have to change appreciably.


DGH: Those of us in the somewhat twilight of life have lived through more incompetence of leadership than we would ever wish to witness again, while remembering fondly those over the years who’ve been outstanding even in a few things. Never has yours truly on the other hand, witnessed so many people totally disgusted with the direction the country is going in presently with the catastrophic leadership, such as it is, that is taking hold in nonsensical fashion right now. Shamelessly ambitious to wreck America? Startling!


Jay Davidson: The document’s authors plumbed the depths of human nature and created profound principles that will guide us through any turmoil. We citizens need to exert constant awareness of those principles or lose it all. The application of law requires diligence and action. That action is support for select candidates for political office and the act of voting.

It is also our duty to hold politicians accountable for their action while in office. After all, when you vote a candidate into office, you are giving him power over you. He can establish laws, regulations, and taxes. If not carefully monitored and reprimanded, human nature tends to seek power over virtue. It is our duty to oversee all politicians. Let’s just say that some person or group wants to destroy our Constitutional Republic.


DGH: As Patricia McCarthy put it recently: Trump’s presidency interrupted their agenda but then Biden took office in an election marked by illegal changes to voting procedures and charges of corruption. Now there is no more equality of justice under the law. We are living in the age of political arrests and show trials. Will the tone of these people set the standard for the voting that will take place in November?


Shamelessly ambitious to wreck America?

Jay Davidson: He would progress toward that goal by first destroying law and order. What better way to fundamentally change America than to apply the law unequally? The J6 “insurrectionists” are held in prison without trial for over 17 months, but the vast riots perpetrated by Antifa and BLM go unpunished. The list goes on, for both sides. Pelosi is usurping judicial powers with her kangaroo court.

Under the Constitution, the Legislature is specifically prevented from acting like the Judiciary. Pelosi’s pathetic political plot is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. We can’t remove her from office — that is the job of her constituents — but we can remove her from control of the House of Representatives.


DGH: The scary part is JoeByteMe might be the MOST competent member of this regime. We saw, in November of ’20, how much influence the electorate has in the final outcome of vote-counting. Add another 20% to the rolls – the people who believe everything they see/hear/read from the mainstream media, in addition to an apathetic opposition – and there is no free and fair election in America any more. Fact!


Jay Davidson: The only thing that stands between each of us and tyranny is our ability, through the election process, to influence the outcome. Consider how profound were the authors of our nation that they instituted a system whereby politicians will be judged by the citizens on a regular basis.

Every other November, we become judge and jury; for a brief moment in time, we are masters of our own fate. Knowledge and a rational mind are the two guide-rails for the process of choosing. Now, more than ever, we are deciding our children’s future: independence or tyranny. [end]


DGH: Generally a president – aka President Donald John Trump as an example – will surround himself with a cabinet of men or women that are outstanding people in business or leadership in some field or other within the country. Today what we have is total and complete incompetence around a dementia-riven village idiot with absolutely no standing whatsoever in what is about to take place. One has to have – must have – absolutely no confidence in the electorate of the Left, who MUST be brought down fully and totally without merit!


Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. ~ II Timothy 3: 3-4



Face of Jesus by Richard Hook

Soli Deo Gloria!
