The calumny of deceit knows no boundaries…

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow into it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. ~ Micah 4: 1-2

Ken Lovejoy, American Thinker: I am amazed at what I am seeing. President Trump goes 174-9 on endorsements and it’s his fault it was a Pink Mist, instead of a Red Wave? Cocaine Mitch is the one who held back the money and support. Was he out campaigning? Nope. Could Mitch ever draw the crowds Trump has? Nope. Sorry – that dog won’t hunt. In my humble opinion, what you’re now seeing is the establishment hacks, media, and big money globalist hedge fund hooligans like Ken Griffin trying to get rid of Trump and coronate DeSantis, before either has even announced.

Griffin, the GOP’s $100 million Soros-style donor, has poured a lot of money into DeSantis and the GOP with the expressed goal of “blunting the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world.” In other words, destroy MAGA and get the rubes back in line with the corporate fascists. Sadly, the DeSantis donor list is a who’s who of millionaires and billionaires, who absolutely love Mitt and Jeb and want to go back to offshoring our jobs, gutting the middle class, and losing to Democrats. Compare that list to Trump’s. His donors are a majority of grassroots, small-dollar donations from we the people.

As much as I love DeSantis, the best governor I’ve seen, running for president is an entirely different animal. Or monster, as the case may be. And if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve seen that the monster is already fired up for Ron. Starting with his absence and long silence after the Mar-a-Lago raid and followed by the national ad campaign and the cringy “And God Made a Warrior” ad. I feel horrible that he’s decided to be controlled by these anti-American millionaires and billionaires. Taking all that money comes with a political price. That price, small as it is, will be a lost vote from me, in the primaries. Regardless how good a governor he is, how can I, in good conscience, vote for a man that is controlled by the people that we’ve been trying to get rid of since 2009? [end]


The calumny of deceit knows no boundaries… Isaiah 55: 8-9

DGH: DeSantis took on Disney, the woke, including firing prosecutors, worked against establishment candidates in primaries, didn’t wait on the federal government before beginning relief efforts after getting hit with two hurricanes. He gave in to the temptation of power by becoming a short-term dictator who trampled on rights. Other than that, fine and dandy!


Jared Peterson, American Thinker: It’s entirely possible that the Republicans will not win the House. If they do, it will be by a razor thin margin under circumstances that should have produced a blowout. The main reason for this second in a row reversal of all historic electoral precedent is plain to anyone who wants to look and be honest: Florida has an electoral law that most closely recreates the US election DAY mechanics of all time prior to 2020: No mass mailing of unrequested absentee ballots to all registered voters – only those registered voters requesting an absent ballot no later than 10 days before the election get one; and their ballot is counted only if received by a specific date.

In Florida there was strict enforcement of date deadlines, and larger percentages of voters than elsewhere voted at the polls. Ergo: in Florida there was fast counting and quick results; and much less time for shenanigans. And a Republican blowout. In Florida there was no collecting/harvesting of ballots. And – even more important – no voting by that substantial segment of the Democrat party base that’s too disorganized and generally out of it to either remember to go to the polls or to request an absentee ballot. The mass mailing of millions of absentee ballots, coupled with lengthy return periods and allowed methods of return (e.g., unsupervised drop boxes) has, in a multitude of ways, expanded the Dem vote.


DGH: News Flash: The GOP has been in on the steal the entire time while playing feckless opposition to the demoMarxocrats – both perfectly content to strip-mine America’s soul, blood and treasure. It’s amazing that most don’t have a clue whatsoever, are simply too intellectually-lazy to figure it out, or simply don’t care. Fly-by-night pollsters and their desecration. The very reason perhaps that on aggregate, they’re fully in on the con. My, my, my….


Jared Peterson: It may save them both the House and Senate this time. This was foreseeable. In Florida it was fixed. What was wrong during the last two years with the rest of the Republican leadership? This election conclusively establishes that until the corrupt electoral mechanics established in 2020 in almost all competitive states are abolished, and something like Florida’s electoral laws put into place, Republicans will be laboring not merely against the entire corporate and tech media, but under vote mechanics that give the Dems: 1. every opportunity to engage in fraud;

and 2. constitute a national remedial help plan for several million Democrat-inclined incompetents who, in the absence of these mechanics, would not vote at all. All of this adds up to an unknown but significant number of votes for the Dems that were never available to them in years prior to 2020. This advantage, coupled with numerous others (see above) is too much for the traditional conservative party to overcome. Even in circumstances like those prevailing on November 8, 2022, which, under the electoral mechanics that prevailed before 2020, would have produced a Republican blowout.


The calumny of deceit knows no boundaries…

DGH: Every race at every level in every state was rigged for the “donks” and that is the direct result of 2020 and also the no standing ruling from the Supreme Court. There are other factors of course (malleable female voters is also a “biggy”) but the main reason is the manipulation of those votes by the criminal uni-party. Never forget that in virtually every state the people in charge of the voting machines are either donks, rinos, both or something more mysterious. Bank on it!


Jared Peterson: All the blather about weak candidates, wrong messaging, abortion and Donald Trump are so much barking up wrong trees. This atrocious Republican electoral outcome will have been produced by the electoral mechanics that the timid Republican establishment allowed to be adopted in 2020, and then to be extended to this election, and – for all the fight on this issue Republican leaders have shown – probably forever. Republicans, conservatives and patriots! It’s the electoral mechanics, stupid! Fight those mechanics in the courts, change them in the legislatures, or continue to watch Democrats eat your lunch. [end]


DGH: As yours truly has stated over and over, and over – if the election fraud isn’t addressed the GOP won’t dominate, ever. The Supreme Court, lower courts, Stasi FBI, and DA’s all allowed the fraud to happen. Reps the likes of Lindsey Graham and Joe Wilson, etal are silent, complacent, and all in for the status quo. What most people call the uni-party is basically the establishment; that which hates MAGA and America First, are indeed globalists, the Constitution be damned. The calumny of deceit knows no boundaries.


And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. ~ Micah 4: 3-4



Face of Jesus by Richard Hook

Soli Deo Gloria!
