American Digest, Barack Obama, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Fellowship of the Minds, Freedom, Genealogy, Gerard Vanderleun, God, I Have A Dream, Jesus Christ, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Texas, United States, Wisdom
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The ‘urge to stand and wait and serve’ comes from the last line of Sonnet 19 by Poet John Milton available down below, a reminder if ever one needs it, that the present is seldom (if ever) a guide to the future; except, that part of the present which never changes.
If he is reading this antiblog, [the] gentle reader is probably able to accept this proposition calmly, though he might resist some of its corollaries. One of them is that we can’t predict future events, even though, in retrospect, none will be surprising, and with time, fewer and fewer will actually surprise us. That “bad things happen” certainly should not startle anyone; or bad things out of good intentions; or good things out of bad — are platitudes of the sort that invariably catch us off guard. The Revolutionary Aside
It’s been said often and repetitively that the most dangerous place in DC is between Schumer and a microphone. It’s also amazing how his glasses seem to grow out of his nose. So curious! Plain fact of the matter is that New York was very badly prepared for this outbreak, or at least, pretended they were. There was absolutely no reason for this especially considering what NYC went through during and after the 9-11 fiasco.
Most of us remember then how NY State elected officials discussed the many different ways the state was vulnerable to attacks which included biological ones. The urge with which Schumer confronted the state’s own culpability to be so badly prepared for this now and whining about it like they never saw it coming, is pure politics and the voters need to demand answers as to why so many of their loved ones are dead.
Look at how much the Washington Post has collapsed into a smoldering pile of fake news upon the arrival of its sugar daddy, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos… Look at the destruction far-left CNN has wrought, not only to its own shattered ratings and reputation but in places like Baltimore and Ferguson, because it’s paid through a rigged cable TV system as opposed to having to court viewers. Advertising Media Calling for Bailout
To get ahead of another pending curve in the road President Trump sent a letter to congress Friday evening giving them 30-days advance notice to inform them of the removal of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson. Just a typical Friday night ‘tampdown’ and the leftist nabobs go apoplectic.
Never test the urge and mettle of a 3-dimensional chess master…
They are a confutation that anything in politics can be achieved, for longer than the moment. What was made will be soon destroyed: even if what replaces it is given the same name. We hear this, for instance, in the sarcastic tone used to repeat proud old slogans. “Mom and apple pie,” for example. It was intended to describe something utterly uncontroversial.
For this very reason it is controversial now, and a person can be “triggered” simply by the phrase. (Never miss a chance.) The little trolls on campus will freak right out. But even for a person who is sane and intelligent, the concept of mom and apple pie needs serious revision, to bring it “up to date.”
Often it is a good, if uncomfortable thing, when what was once obvious needs rethinking through. It is a recapitulating operation, like sharpening a knife. The Revolutionary Aside
Sources …
Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: Schumer Demands Military Trump Sets Him Straight … Plus President Removes Coup Plotter Michael Atkinson
H/T Gerard Vanderleun and his American Digest and other hidden treasures…
Soli Deo Gloria!