Time to stop masking kids before they drop!
19 Sunday Dec 2021
Written by dennisghurst in Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Freedom, Genealogy, God, I Have A Dream, Jesus Christ, Lessons, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Texas, United States, Washington, Wisdom
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Time to stop masking kids before they drop!
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. ~ Matthew 18: 6
Laura J. Wellington, American Thinker: On the heels of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court throwing out the school mask mandate in their state as well as the recent declaration of Democratic Colorado governor Jared Polis that the COVID-19 emergency is over, I have to ask: when is the rest of our nation going to throw out the school mask mandate?
As a parent and teacher, I am truly sick of seeing my child leaving our car each morning with a mask covering his nose and mouth, especially when I know that when he returns back to the car later that day, his mask will be so contorted that he will look more like a duck than a child. The big gaping openings at either side of the mask are reality. How is this mask helping him fight contracting COVID?
DGH: It’s interesting to note that some have been screaming for focused protection from the beginning. On which planet do we quarantine the healthy? Oh yeah, the one with the Great Reset in progress. They achieved exactly what they wanted to, and to think otherwise is naive.
Laura J. Wellington: It isn’t. And yet, somehow, masks have become part of the school dress code. Let me tell you, having taught in a classroom recently, kids are not capable of wearing masks in a way that keeps them safe. If you locked them to their chairs and tied their arms together, and basically made them use only their ears to learn, that would be the single way you would have half a prayer of getting masks to do their jobs — if, in fact, they worked the way we continue to be led to believe. And even then, once those kids are allowed to put their coats back on to go home, they will have foiled all of the earlier preventative measures. Remember, this is a cooperative effort, and children don’t cooperate well with masks.
DGH: They were able to do it and get away with it so easily because of decades of school and university indoctrinations about socialism, communism and fascism. It was done slowly and when the time was right they let lose the dragon. As grandmothers and grandfathers often put it, most of the people who die are old!
Laura J. Wellington: The only way to ensure that kids don’t get the virus is to completely remove any hope of them learning in school ever again. That is the only way. So unless we are all ready to never have our children set foot in school again, we should really face reality and stop agreeing to the terrorization of our children by masking them up like good little soldiers each morning.

Time to stop masking kids before they drop. The government ‘irrelevancy’ of God…
I’m tired of having no sensible explanation to give to my kid when he asks why he has to wear a contraption that he loses every two minutes. It makes me angry to know that none of this is justifiable, yet we continue to allow it because our leaders have no courage, less a few, beginning with those in Pennsylvania and Colorado, it seems.
DGH: The idea was to get rid of the middle class. Everything they did pointed to that end. Kings and queens of old and dictators in general only prefer two classes – them as the elites and the subdued masses. Most wear a mask only when necessary (medical appointments, airplanes etc), but other than that .. nope.
Laura J. Wellington: I have no problem with parents making their own choices when it comes to masking their kids. I assure you that if children who contracted COVID left school and never returned again in droves and masks proved to be one hundred percent effective, I too would strap a mask to my kid’s face. Several. Knowing me, my kid wouldn’t be attending school the day that showed itself to be true. But that’s not happening. Most kids contract COVID, leave, then return in ten or so days without any issue.
DGH: Someone needs to start executing these Government Nutcases – with reason aforethought of course, not bullets! Seems like most people don’t intend taking any of the Covid death shots. One could well say they tested the masses and the masses weren’t pleased!
Laura J. Wellington: Frankly, I am eager to have a Supreme Court judge do what other Supreme Court judges are doing in other circumstances. I want one to step up and lift the mask mandate nationwide. It is unconstitutional and just plain ridiculous, given that health and safety are the driving force behind it. The proof is on the side of history and science, and neither speaks to the logical continuation of masking kids for eight hours straight a day. The real health risk — mental, emotional, and physical — runs from forced acceptance in the face of lack of evidence and rationale. That is about as un-American as you can get. [end]
DGH: Had more people resisted or partly resisted and stated their case from the start, in all likelihood they wouldn’t be where they are today. Store clerks running around after customers after all, ushering them out unless their mask covered the nose has to be more than a bit “over the top”. Indeed it has become Time to Stop Masking Kids …
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. ~ Matthew 18: 10-11
- Laura J. Wellington, American Thinker: Time to Stop Masking Kids
Soli Deo Gloria!