Trump defies the odds with a sweet indulgence
20 Sunday Nov 2022
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
American Thinker, Barack Obama, Beyond the Cosmos, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Experience, Family, Fellowship of the Minds, Freedom, Genealogy, God, Jesus Christ, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Texas, United States, Washington, Wisdom
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Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. ~ Isaiah 55: 4-5
Laura J. Wellington, American Thinker: I attributed watching President Trump’s speech announcing his candidacy for president in 2024 to a sweet indulgence, one that defies the law of diminishing returns. The more that you consume, the more you realize the excellence that makes every bite beyond others’ achievability. That was Trump in a nutshell as he delivered elegant, powerful, composed words feeding hope to a hungry, worn, and worried room, with others looking on. Although I use the word “indulgence” in my description of the man above, nothing about the moment we all face is “indulgent.” Quite the contrary.
DGH: Known for defying the odds when everyone said it couldn’t be done, Trump is a formidable opponent, but unlike David to the Left’s Goliath, Trump doesn’t have a big enough slingshot. But WAIT! Most of us are sick to death of wimps and sellouts. Kudos to Trump for his willingness to try. If only there were hundreds more with his courage and killer instinct. Trump defies the odds with a sweet indulgence.
Laura J. Wellington: President Trump’s decision to brave the violent waters that once again face him and his family on our behalf comes at a time when many question whether or not our nation is too far gone to save. Personally, I feel we are one step away from the point of no return. That said, a single step can make all the difference. The Democrat party knows this, too, which is the reason Democrats are so vehemently trying to move President Trump out of their way for the umpteenth time.
DGH: We need to realize that what the demoMarxocrats are doing is not a recent phenomenon. It began over 100 years ago, during the Wilson administration when the USA began to drift away from the vision of the founders with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th and 17th amendments. The drift leftward was thrice interrupted during the Coolidge, Reagan and Trump administrations; but has never been reversed.
Laura J. Wellington: As he stressed more than once during his first presidential term, “they aren’t after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.” He now threatens to be in the way again, and his winning will prove to be anything but merciful toward those working hard to bring our nation to its knees upon his retaking the Oval Office. As it is, he has only four years to straighten out everything “now destroyed,” so his disposition, albeit controlled, will be ruthless. Hence, the dance (that will look more like a rumble) begins.
DGH: Polling is based on mathematics, statistics and election observation, using characteristics and laws of large number calculations and statistics. This being the third election in a row with abnormalities. we’re supposed to believe that polling was wrong, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Red Wave happened alright, with 6 million more voters, who didn’t garner any seats at all. Trump defies the odds with a sweet indulgence!
Laura J. Wellington: But to say the collective campaign between “people and fearless leader” isn’t fraught with questions is inaccurate. Despite assurances, plenty are worried that this nation won’t survive until 2024. Others no longer believe in the validity of elections, so they fail to see how even President Trump could win despite all efforts. Further still is the concern for President Trump’s own life as he vows to drain the swamp for a final time. Many have been permanently removed for making lesser promises.
DGH: The trial run was 2018 for the fraud to come in 2020, when the only person predicting a Blue Wave was Pelosi, and they stole the House. You may not have known it shares the same fate as now 2022, the largest midterm in history, and supplanted 2018 as the previous winner. 2018 midterm had more votes than Bush v. Gore, a presidential race. That makes it three elections in a row that were gamed and stolen.
Laura J. Wellington: Remember, it was Trump’s success that brought about the Democrat party’s and establishment’s wrath. And it is that same threat of success that is now their catalyst to divide and conquer the Republican Party while calling him an outdated, egotistical kook. Will President Trump’s capabilities be enough to claim victory? Just look at how he inspired us through a single speech on a single night. His is an excellence unconfinable by normal law, economics, or politics, it seems. In other words, I wouldn’t bet against him.
DGH: If the Red Wave hadn’t happened, then the designation as the largest midterm in history wouldn’t have occurred, and these election turnouts would be labeled as the fingerprints of Fraud, in and of themselves. No one is talking about the result being so averse to what polling indicated, nor is anyone saying anything because they all know. Quite frankly, it’s election fraud that gives us huge election turnout numbers. Trump defies the odds with a sweet indulgence!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. ~ Isaiah 55: 8-9
- Laura J. Wellington, American Thinker: Trump Defies the Odds
Soli Deo Gloria!