Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil
30 Sunday Apr 2023
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
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Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths. She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. ~ Proverbs 8: 1-4
J. Robert Smith, American Thinker: Prior to being fired by Fox (Faux) News, Tucker Carlson spoke seminal remarks to a Heritage Foundation audience, identifying the clash between traditional America and the Left as rising to an entirely new and ominous level. Having moved beyond mere politics and policy differences, the conflict with a protagonist-Leftist construct has increasingly been allowed to embrace Evil that’s simply hard to accept. Most Americans don’t want to regard their fellow-Americans as evil, but the evidence is abundant and growing. The plain fact of Carlson’s bold assertion notwithstanding was likely the reason why the Murdochs canned him – being after all, the quintessential players whose interests aren’t served when their network’s marquee personality infers that a civilizational clash is underway. THAT!
Delivering a speech contending that the American political debate has moved beyond a contest between rival policy positions and is now driven by leftwing factions with fundamentally “evil” objectives, the veteran host and journalist whose Fox News show attracted millions of viewers every evening, was speaking last weekend at an event for the Heritage Foundation that fellow conservatives must swiftly adjust their approaches to the national conversation since some political forces desire to tear down the nation rather than engage in legitimate political dialogue. Conservatives, as Carlson suggests, really have no choice. American civilization hangs in the balance. If conservatives fail to acknowledge this evil, they’ll surrender unearned advantages to the Left and its allies, who’ll continue to claim good moral intent while upending the nation.
DGH: Right up front Tucker is a rare person in that he has a higher purpose than most in his position. Those with the right heart and a love of what is good are seeing that all the changes are indeed evil. The whole world is in the power of the wicked one. Satan knows his time is short, thus the ramping up of evil. Yes, prepare to be “sifted”. We cannot control the times in which we live, but only our response. Humanity is being separated into those who love what is good and those whose hearts are evil. Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
J. Robert Smith: The Left – which has captured the Democrat party, portions of the establishment, corporate media, corporate America, and a wide range of institutions – is destructive because it is thoroughly Marxist. Marx proclaimed the need to destroy traditional civilization as a prerequisite for utopia. Marxism has always been a cult. The American Left exhibits all the traits of being a cult driven to ruin and domination. Let’s make a quick qualifier, lest critics charge labeling the Left and its allies as evil paints too broadly. It should be pointed out however, that not everyone on the Left and among its allies are evil. Some are cynics angling for personal gain. Many others are just useful idiots, aka Xi Van Fleet for example, a survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and a “defender of liberty.”
Mao was a master of collecting & mobilizing useful idiots to help him to gain power. American useful idiots have no idea that the same fate awaits them [exile and reeducation] after their usefulness is over. They don’t know because they were never taught the history of communism. The American Left has no Mao to lead it – no living deity, though it does have priests – in academia, media, the arts, nonprofits, corporations, and government. It does have Marx’s and Mao’s ghosts. Mao’s Little Red Book is the New Testament compliment to Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Today’s Marxism encompasses more than politics and economics. It’s cultural in scope, having no relationship to the old liberalism of mid-20th Century America. Old liberalism – the JFK brand – and conservatism once shared similar values.
DGH: The demoMarxocrat of today is no longer the Democrat of the Past. Calling themselves “Democrats” they still vote for Marxists and Communists! What have the so-called Democrats done to IMPROVE the quality of life in this Country? What have the so-called Democrats done to enforce the equation that we are a Constitutional Republic/Representative Republic? Mmmm? They’ve crashed our Economy, crashed the energy sector, crashed the Educational system and the list goes on. Will we be involved in another Civil War? Is our Country doomed to become another 3rd World Country? Thankfully, we have millions of Tucker Carlson’s about to let loose! Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
J. Robert Smith: Liberals and conservatives once attended the same churches; their kids went to the same schools. All were patriots, extolling American virtues. They opposed tyranny. They had different ideas about the role of government but shared the same ends: make America better, more prosperous, preserve rights and liberties. RFK Jr. echoed some of that old liberalism in his presidential campaign kickoff remarks, speaking against what he regards as the new tyranny: the merger of state and corporate power. Kennedy is right, in part, but is too limited in scope. Today’s Left despises the shared values that once gave liberals and conservatives common ground. The Left is a cult instigating a movement to destroy traditional mores and culture, and then impose a radically new, perverse morality and order on Americans.
It is fanatical, uncompromising, and bloodless as it pursues power and domination. Carlson sums up why conservatives need to change their thinking. Per Daily Wire: “We write our papers and they write their papers, and may the best papers win. I don’t think that’s what we’re watching now at all. I don’t think we’re watching a debate on how to get to the best outcome. I think that’s completely wrong,” Carlson said. “There is no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement with that mindset. Policy papers don’t account for it at all. If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea, let’s castrate the next generation, let’s sexually mutilate children.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate. That has nothing to do with politics.” Indeed, sexually mutilating children to “change their gender” is well beyond politics.
DGH: This is what happens when you allow media ownership to be concentrated in the hands of a small number of global corporations. Putting ethics, objectivity and ideology aside, journalists today are simply pens for hire, they do as they are told or else. The real villains are the corporate owners, the puppet masters, who have been allowed to accumulate such power. Break them up, destroy their hold on information and enforce legal limits on ownership. Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
J. Robert Smith: It’s deranged, for starters, and abusive and demeaning of a child’s personhood. As Carlson pointed out, proclaiming killing babies in the womb a “positive good” is morally grotesque. Sexually indoctrinating children – from kindergarten forward – is a lurid act of mental and emotional molestation. Razing the working and middle classes by choking off conventional energy production; attacking law and order; imposing reverse racist policies as retributions against non-blacks for the false charge of ongoing “systemic racism;” forcing woke in schools and businesses; dictating where citizens should live; even dictating what cars – if any – Americans drive; and what constitutes diets make the argument all the more persuasive that the Left is a cult with no stop built in.
There’s a cold war underway that’s unlimited in scope, initiated by a pernicious, destructive leftist cult, a war whereby society is to be consumed, spit out, and remade. Failure isn’t an option. Fanatics aren’t interested in splitting differences. They want nothing to do with peaceful coexistence. There’s no “national divorce” in the offing. They’re predatory, sanctimonious, and very willing to blow up everything rather than concede. They’re true believers, whose souls are entirely consumed. A leftist cult on the scale we’re discussing rarely self-immolates without destroying the innocent, too. As with Germany’s Nazi cult, if this evil American cult isn’t vanquished first, it will rule ruinously. And if its hold on power falters, it means to leave nothing behind.
DGH: Did the Murdoch Boys really want to fire Tucker, or did they shrivel and cave to a malignant force so well camouflaged, virulent, and subversive it made even Fox Corporation quake in its boots? My concern is the latter. I find it very troubling – only a month after Schumer’s speech in the well of the Senate, ‘demanding’ Fox shut Tucker up over his J6 revelations – that Tucker gets canned. That is Darth Vader level evil; Soros-ian to the core. Arranging to replace Trump with Biden was Manchurian enough, but then to pull off this? Star Chamber Satanic if you ask most of we “Onward Christian Soldiers”. THAT! Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
J. Robert Smith: Carlson, again, from the Daily Wire noted that Americans should turn to heaven for hope as the nation’s foundations collapse. “Maybe we should all just take 10 minutes per day to say a prayer about it,” he concluded. That prayer needs to be a call for strength, resolve, and acceptance of realities, and the courage to fight to defeat the malicious forces loose among us. Our rights, our freedom, our very lives are at stake. Tucker right on point – It’s all about Evil.
O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things. For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. ~ Proverbs 8: 5-8
- J.Robert Smith, American Thinker: Tucker Carlson is Right: It’s about Evil
Soli Deo Gloria!