Whoso shall offend one of these little ones…
10 Sunday Apr 2022
Written by dennisghurst in Attributes, Consequences, Godliness, Inspiration, Origins
American Greatness, Barack Obama, Beyond the Cosmos, Christ, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitutional Republic, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, Everlasting, Family, Fellowship of the Minds, Freedom, Genealogy, God, I Have A Dream, Jesus Christ, Let Freedom Ring, Liberty, Life, Posterity, Roe vs Wade, Self-Preservation, Teaching, Texas, United States, Wisdom
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Whoso shall offend one of these little ones.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. ~ Matthew 18: 6
Antoinette Aubere, American Greatness: In the 1980s and 90s, I worked in child advocacy. One of my jobs was to teach children how to protect themselves from abuse. First and foremost I taught children that adults should not be telling children to keep secrets. I taught children if an adult were to tell a child that something the adult does or says must be kept secret from mom or dad, the adult was doing wrong.
The first way for a child to protect themselves was to immediately tell mom and dad about adults wanting to keep secrets.
Florida took that safety lecture I used to teach children and turned it into legislation, (HB 1557) Parental Rights In Education. Simply put, the law requires schools to keep no secrets from parents. Whatever the schools are teaching children, the schools must notify parents. This is basic safety for a child, codified into law.
DGH: Human nature is what it used to be: totalitarian. It takes guts to buck that system. Our Founders knew this going in, and that’s why they handed us ‘the pole’. When asked, Ben Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it”. In other words, don’t look down. Look straight ahead. Prayer can do amazing things. We need a whole lot of sacrifice and prayer.
Antoinette Aubere: It was once my job to give children this knowledge to protect themselves. Imagine my stark horror now. Now, if you tell children to protect themselves from secret-keepers you are labeled a bigot, homophobe, and transphobe. The entire media industrial complex is demanding teachers be allowed to keep secrets from parents.
Teachers have decided they are victims if they aren’t allowed to keep secrets with five year-olds. Pedophilia acceptance seems like a new and horrible idea, but it is older than most people know. My own personal heroine, Judith Reisman, spent decades identifying and staging a crusade against pedophile acceptance.

Whoso shall offend one of these little ones. Life through the Texas heartbeat law…
DGH: Psychopaths have no empathy or compassion. Humans are only objects to be used for their own gratification. They are misanthropes. Having seen videos of some of the current breed of teacher, they are also quite insane. These people are too far gone for any appeal to reason or decency. There is no reason to treat them as anything but the threats they are to a child’s health and happiness. Whoso shall offend one of these little ones…
Antoinette Aubere: Alfred Kinsey, the godfather of the sexual revolution, is a secular saint to leftists. His lifelong “study” on human sexuality was in fact constant campaigning for every and all sexual perversion. Kinsey was especially interested in “studying,” that is to say, normalizing pedophilia. In the name of science, he collected data and financially compensated pedophiles. He recruited pedophiles from prisons and paid them to molest children.
Kinsey is considered a great man, a brave scientist. He was in fact a truly evil man. The pro-pedophile movement is his brainchild. We are told again and again that the sexual revolution, and the entire catalogue of LGBT+ demands are just about “consenting adults.” I will believe that when they denounce Kinsey and all his works. If it is just about consenting adults why does pedophilia acceptance keep coming up?
DGH: The responsibility for character, intellectual development and maturity, falls on We, the parents, as well as the current depreciation of the nuclear family and the level of government facilitated and subsidized, sexual predation and gratification. It doesn’t occur to them that they are also inadvertently shutting down the possibility of creative innovation going forward. We are dealing with a trans-human cult.
Antoinette Aubere: Every few years another academic writes a paper in support of pedophilia. Last November an academic gave us the newest, and most horrible, politically correct term: “minor attracted persons.” This grotesque phrase even has its own Wikipedia page. Meanwhile the Supreme Court will soon have a justice who has made it her life’s work to protect pedophiles.

Whoso shall offend one of these little ones.
I can’t describe Jackson’s evil stance better than Robert Spencer at PJMedia did: “And it’s even worse than we thought: investigative journalist Paul Sperry revealed Saturday that Jackson ‘heard horrifying details of ‘sadomasochistic’ torture of young kids—including ‘infants and toddlers—yet challenged the disturbing evidence presented by prosecutors and disregarded their prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case.’”
DGH: The problem is largely created by the leftist wreckers in the American Psychological Association and the prophets of the pseudo-scientific secular religion known as social science. They have damaged beyond repair traditional Judeo-Christian morality as the underpinning of our society. They have sown the wind and we’re all reaping the whirlwind.
Antoinette Aubere: When the subject of normalizing pedophilia comes up, most Americans are horrified and insist, blindly, that this will never happen. If I had a nickel for every time something that could never happen, happened, I could afford to buy my own Supreme Court Justice. They are coming for your children. They will have an advocate on the Supreme Court.
Do not assure yourself this will never happen, because that is when it will happen. Be aware, be ready. This must be fought, every day. Blindly insisting that legalized pedophilia can never happen is exactly why it will happen. The only way to stop this is first to accept the awful fact that this is what the Left is after. Then we must stand firm and fight it, again, and again, forever. [end]
DGH: Thank you Ms. Aubere for your fight against this evil. Children are our most vulnerable people and they deserve our protection. The evil leftist demoMarxocrats are pushing to normalize pedophilia. We can only execute pedophiles not heal them. So for the evil little leftist groomers who infect this site, we are coming for you and all your sick twisted supporters. That is a fact. Whoso shall offend one of these little ones…
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. ~ Matthew 18: 10-11
- Antoinette Aubere, American Greatness: The Long, Horrifying History of Groomers
Soli Deo Gloria!